going out, being with my friends is the wae out.a way out to put my insecurities away.about u.i hope i wont be defiant towards u.praying for dat.bud i cant think of myself not, not be with u.i donnoe ysorrie. i dont.bud how do i feel something.my heart don want to feel.its not that i don love u.70%-80%.sincerely i do.i really do.so its me?why?why am i sO stupid?why?mayb u're ryt.i do think too much.bud is it wrong?is it wrong to think of the future?is it?im just saeing.just to be prepared mentally and physically.im so sorrie.bud i realli like ur company.im trying my very best to be the utmost personal to u.and myself.let me hold u for the last time..
what we could have been, 8:21 AM.
"i love u too.."bullshyt.im feeling so damn awful.i cant cry anymore.i cant afford to.i don want to.it makes me weak.one whole dae.i have been doing nothing and had been stoning my wae todae.being crampy, feeling lyk shyt and thinking.because of u.i dunnoe. mayb its me.yah its me.everythg is me.BLOODY HELL ITS ME ORYT!ergh!
what we could have been, 6:42 AM.
im feeling like shyt now.i had my cramps since this afternoon and he is not making my dae any better.i am so upset.disappointed.very.if u saed dat im worse, den u're no better.and u didnt do anythg about it.no point for me to just think about our damn thing wen i noe u don feel anythg.dammit.i hate this point of feeling.wen things are going great about me, wen i am making my wae to good, u.its u!u make it all go away.shyt man.why?why are u doing this to me?and and don act like nothing happened okie.i hate it wen u did dat.alwaes been.fine.u dunnoe wad i am capable of.don make me do it.ouh. too late.shyt!
what we could have been, 8:29 AM.

its been a while since i last updated. how long has it been? a yr? okie not that long ar i think. maybe? dunnoe. haiyaa nevermind laa. heh. =)) aniwaesss... my assessments are overrr! o.v.e.r. cool shyt i tell u! haha. XDXD hols! till july 20. gerek kepeR! heh. can go vacation with my peeps, and bf. =)) go JB hor u guys u guys. heh. k mayb will be updating once in a while laa hor. hehee. =))
what we could have been, 11:13 AM.