Wednesday, December 31, 2008
its already 2009 by tmr.haisss..wad a waste of 2008.heh.trying to understand wad is going to happen to me when i graduate.undergrounds.heh.lobangs.a must have.oh my. im missing skwel olready.i miss painting, drawing, outside, sarah's place.haha! 12. jan. first dae of skwel starts.and 25 march. my TP! ouh so scaredddddd. hui hui huiiiii. =.=fireworks anyone?or sitting by the beach. talking?i prefer the beach thnks yeah. heh.
bud most of all, i miss my gerls.
and yes i miss u too naz. haha.
and of cors, a person dats long away from me.
in fact, never coming back to me.
haha! wad a fact.
so! njoy ur new yr's eve everyone!
be gd now. haha! XDXDDXD
what we could have been, 1:16 AM.
Monday, December 22, 2008
picnic, bowling,pakao,and soccer.
all in 2 daes! its lyk a non-stop activity for me and my families.
XDXDD haha!
its two daes of fun fun fun!
picnic and games. prizes to be won too!
TEAM JAHAT! hahaha!
=))) ard 10, bowling! hanan joined too!hehe. 6 lanes booked. challenge each team of four,prizes and money to be won!
haha. its so cool! hehe.
nxt dae, woke up at 8,well i slept at 4am,k woke up at 5am, slept at 6 again and woke up at 7.30!
slept at 4am to watch the uncles play pakao.*real money bdw,*=.=
den woke up again at 5am, still playing pakao! =.="
*for a few min into the game, my aunt saw smthg wen she was videoing us playing pakao.*
*u guys go guess* she freaked and threw the cam to the floor sia.*
5 am siaaa. wtfish. heh.
den we ate breakfast near my house.heh eating, i planned to join the uncles go watch the soccer match at spore stadium.
but the others wanna follow too.the aunties and the keciks.
=.= haha!
ouh wells.
after soccer, *which spore loses*, went for dinner! haha!
and ouh.
im working todae.=.=
heh. njoy the pics jek k. =D
pasir ris park picniccc..

4am blow.
oho! spore die!

jyeah. we reached! XDXD

someone died in the stadium.=.=
what we could have been, 1:19 AM.
Friday, December 19, 2008
ouh watched twilight!
nice nice nice!
3. =.=
i mean, ouh edwarddddd.
he, edward, damn hot.
veri protective.
of cors laa vampire mahhh.
shuld watch noe.
niceeeee. =DDDDD
what we could have been, 7:32 AM.
Monday, December 15, 2008
bye izhwannn.and yes. bye nazzz!=.=kena goreng sia.kentot btol.and su! pi jakarta eyk! tk jumper joey eyk!hisshh! =.="haha.but at last, all went well.nice going.and good good there. come back soon so we culd go iceskating. haha!watch movies.mkn2. hehe =Danother chat tyme guys. =)))
what we could have been, 7:41 AM.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
i never knew the place exist.marina barrage.its a gd thg we followed the crowd.haha.the place was prettyyy.
windy and cloudy.
>.<and thnks for the surprise card.i felt guilty not giving u anythg.but i do.
what we could have been, 6:41 AM.
what we could have been, 6:41 AM.
Friday, December 12, 2008
heya! iceskating!todae!its was damn fun!and my butt hurts from falling alot of tymes.=.=but it was funrealli funfun fun fun! 3.=.=heh.shuld go again somedae k izhwan!=D
what we could have been, 8:59 AM.
what we could have been, 8:59 AM.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
have i told u guys that i enjoyed the place at kelong?well, i realli do. heheXD
what we could have been, 9:29 PM.
Friday, December 05, 2008
its been a long tyme since i uploaded some pics ryt?haha!dats cuz my lappy ader cket punyer rosak.the damn thg cannot read.even my thumby too!o_Owad happened?looks like i have to wait for skwel's mac compt.or i buy a new one, which is impossible! aniwaesss.just got back from meeting my larling.heh.=Dboth of my larlingsss.=Dwatched KM is sO not recommended!=.=the movie was damn pathetic lorri think the video dat i made for my skwel project,"hollow" is much better sia.serious shyt!do not watch, ppl.u'll regret it.i did!hah! *grumpy sound*but i did have a nice chat wit my larling.=))so yeahh. wit my other larling too.=))and im so going ice skating.i got to play twister already.noe im waiting for the iceskating.i don care. =.=bought a top.hmm.purple! yeah me!den now, working, saving for iceskating, and buying 2 bdae presents and paying for the pit!uhu!=.=hmm. lets see. $2.50+$16=$$$$ least 29 bucks. hmm not bad. haha=Dand yeah, i knew it.u already gotten lets move on ppl.thnk s alot.
what we could have been, 7:47 AM.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
when you loose the one you wantedcuz she's taking you for grantedand everything that you have trying to be faithfulim trying so this thing we had can make it to the topbut you're just not making all work outif you would be himi think i can stay a little longer then you thoughtand being what i can be best
what we could have been, 4:54 AM.