AHA!i bought new thumbby todaeeeat challenger.hehehebest best best, stylee ynoee.sony! XDXDDbudden no hook.scared or wad the thingy lost again.=.=anywaess.. tmr im not working. hmm..and den, at nyt, go gemok gerlss.jyeahh.haha! XD11 ppl. cool or wad.hehseems a lot.=)))den just finished teaching oso=Dtiring ynoe.hehbud cool. XDskali skale.assesments are reallii ard the cornerheh.kena rajen! hehtmr dunnoe going skwel or not laahow?hmmden mas ajak xcercise?muker de bangon cpat?last2 tk xcercise npknyerhaha. XD
what we could have been, 8:45 AM.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
serious shyt!my perot getting fatter and fatter,boncetter and boncetter everydae sia!=.=ergh! wad i do everydae is eat, draw, eat, paint, eat sleep.wad the heck!?den, wake up everydae late.wtfish!shyt man! dis has got to stop sia!den, now i alwaes take bus to interc which i usually walk.so tmr gotta walk!a must!=.=and and xcercise gerl!every nyt! excercise!if nottt...wear baju, boncet siaaa. =.=
what we could have been, 8:12 AM.
ahah!its deepavali and im working todae.=.=ryyyt.okie laa.after work go mit nazeem and mas at airport cuz since im late,dey study first lorr.hahakeje abes lmbt bebbhaha.den since ader tyme, go see dey all jamming.heh.niceeeee.heheloud.bud niceeeeee.=DDhehe.ako suker . ako suker. ako suker! heheearound 8 plus lyk dat, meeting nas and liyana, i brought mas along, go shooting for our digi.seram or wadd!tiring or wadd!do scene 2 first.den searching for the alleys, nas veri takot lyk dat knnnnazeem dey all waiting for us ar.hehin the end, found a dark alley, beside a small christian cemetry,bud nas takot. hehemas, ko nk masok kn?heh, nk rease konon. step tk takot konon.haha!XDaniwaesss..nazeem dey all join me and nas they all...den kenal kenal kenal..hahahaden balek. bud mas, me and nazeem dey all pi mkn.laparrrr beb.hahanas,"okie it's a wrap!"haha.piker laen alley dulu.izHwan, u must follow nas in.haha!mkn pat tongseng laa seyy.haha! kecoh per.heh. =Dbsok skolarrrr.ajar kanak2 budu tu arttt!hahajgn buat last min plakkk.*glaring eyes*den yesterdae, got mkn2 pat madrasah! hahacool or wadd.hehe.cute ar uztazah maria. heheblur. heh.XDorytt.i havent bath siaa.haha! bud still wangi. HAHA! =.=ouh god! fiza'a sketches! o_O
what we could have been, 9:46 AM.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
for the past 2 daes, i ve been going home late.had to do some stuffs at skwel.i don mind staying back in skwel. cuz i lyk the environment there.its lyk m,y 2nd home siaa. hahanice or wadddddhaha.i loiikkeee.hahaden tadik blajar maths.kekek per nazeem? =.=naseb baek ko pndai maths ar eyyk. klao tkkk...naseb ar. hahaahah! den yesterdae got nude again siaaaa..drawing i mean.guy somemore!serious shyt!i didnt look sia.i mean, i am so not focusing!bloody hell.halfwae thru i cabot sia. haha!XDanw, i cant wait for gemok gerls.hehehehe=DDand i want pics of our family photos, izhwannn.hahai'll post it wen i got it ayte.damn funny. haha! =D
what we could have been, 2:06 AM.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
damn cramp with the ssignments.been rushing with paintings, and history work. wad e heck?!knn!alot sia. realli rushingtyme is precious.hahahaiyoo.hey. it's a good thing i didnt get to see u anymore.best thing i ever felt.
what we could have been, 9:52 AM.
eyyyy.trying to try the trick i did on u to me haaaatk bley tk bleyy. =DDbud u did got me laa.hehi realli thot u hav problem sia. haha!well a little bit of both ar.hehguess wad mas got me?a belated bdae present. >.<
haha.the purple dressie kinda stand.
i lyke it!and oh, liyana?i got it for freeeeeeeeeeee! hahaXDXDpurple lagik! hehaniwaes..after dat, we went to ehub for a while.jln2.release stress.thot of going beach bud tk jadik. hehgotta sae, skg downtown da lawaaaaa. nicee. haha XDand oh oh oh! MY WEIGHT NOW IS 46KG!huwah seyyy! biar btol.not too long ago lets sae, ard a yr, i didnt check my weight and it suddenly shot up?huwo! =.=46?i really cant believe it siaa.seriously. i aim 45kg bud im already 46??huh? huhh?okieeee..im fat!uhoh!
46KG? o_O
what we could have been, 8:56 AM.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
blame it on me lor.shoot me and get it done and over with can?all my fault laa.all my fault.knn.i feel so guilty oready and u still lyk, make it sound i did a very big mistake.i cant make it means i cant make it laa.so sorrie.apologise oready ryt.alamak.one fren after another.suddenly i missed sawiyah.sawiyah where are youu?shyt ar.biar hp pecah. ilang ke.so that no one can contact me, so i dont feel guilty.don wan ar lyk dis.blame me.okie everythg me!
what we could have been, 9:31 AM.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
guess wad?i get a C for painting, a C for figure drawing and and oh look! another C for drawing III.=.=all C's siaaa.wad the?but the thg is, none of the painters or none painters gotten an A.seriously tho.im shocked.so mayb a C isnt dat bad..
but i really wanted a B too.hmmnehmind.try harder...XDi can. and i will!and im gonna paint my bro's face.i mean portrait, and put it in his room! hahaso dat means gotta buy canvas b4 im running out of money! hehewhich soon i already am!cuz im buying stuff online again!and this tyme, thrice in a row.damn!0_O
what we could have been, 7:34 AM.
what we could have been, 7:34 AM.
mondae.officially my bdae dae.haha!>.<and and thnks to u, u and u!for the wishes!the presents.th fulfilling treats.haha!lyk:
a cake, a present plus a card for me! hehefrom liyana, faj and and junzhuuuu! =DDthnk u(s)!XD
the donuts, AGAIN! from izhwan and and simon! hehethnk u!XD

den den den! go biennale! jyeahhh!=D
best tao tao tao!
lots and lots of painting! syok! haha!

haha. i got free breakfast too ynoe!only for todae! hahaXD
aha! dis is where we wait for paan.after skwel.at nyt. =Danw, just wanted to sae to sorrie to paan, mas and azhfar.bcus of me u guys lyk cannot make anythg happen or wadever.so lyk, rase bersalah gitu kn.i didnt xpect laa kn.i thot a normal gathering jek.sorrie laa.lagik2 wen paan pagi from skwel, den ptg keje, mlm, kena handle lyk dis.heh.sort of abit cock-up sey for awhile sey just nw.heh.den after dat, not bad.in fact, going quite well. heh.bud anw, thnks u guys.
i appreciate it alot tho!
and ingat! tkmo bazir duet suroh ktorg naek teksi!haha.=D
what we could have been, 10:40 AM.
i dunnoe laa kn.lyk veri xcited over the bienalle thingy tmr budden,the oh so cool frens of mine remind me.HAPPY BDAE TO ME!
yeah me! hehe >.<>
im so happy! hehehe.yesterdae nyt, hanan gave me a surprise advance bdae.by meeting under my block and giving me dis! for my bdae present!awww. hahahe's the first of the first to give me smthg for bdae. and wishing me.
plus an essay long card!haha. thnk u! =Dah den, the nxt dae, which is todae, teman mr i'll-change-ur-name pi tgk2 lappy.cuz i have nothing to do, so! teman de jap..heh.de belikkn donut! yeahh! donut factoryy!best tao tao! haha.
here here! simoooon. u shuld noe dis one. haha! XD and just now,12.20am, he send me a card. huwah. u shuldnt have done dat sia. its okie. thnk u again! =D before dat, i went to paan's open house. hehe raye skalik per? heh. anw, here's the pics. =D

pat bwh blok tao taoso unglam! haha!
den wen reached home, syok2 play compt, haha.
mydearest ppl msged!
thnk u thnk u!
lets list in sequence ; 11.45-rozeyini.
after 12: azhfar, izhwan!,gayle, paan,mr i'll-change-ur-name(again),hanan(again), wan.
all my lovely lovely ppl. >.<
awww. im so touched seyy.
hehe. emo skejap. haha!
anw, bsok bienalle!
or can i sae, todae bienalle! hehe! =DDD
what we could have been, 9:12 AM.
what we could have been, 9:12 AM.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
fridae. 11.10.2008. raye wit my nafa frens =DD one end to one end. alar sekali sekala maaaaaa haha! =D best best. =D last house gerek per. haha. umar fatiinnnnn!=D altho she didnt follow us, bud its okiee... =D me, faj, liyana, sue, ruzeyini, izhwan and and asanul!
go raya together.
haha. kecoh siak.
umar asanul is the first, fatin is the last. fatin's house we lepak abes2an sey. till 1 plus am.
haha! pat pasir ris aloha resort dere. heh. me and faj walk home, rozeyini accompany. den after dat he took a cab. den sue and asanul go take cab together to yishun. liyana after faj's house gone home oready. she lives at boon lay maahhhh.. haha. veri veri the far. heh den izhwan take cab home alonnneee.. so saddd. hehe =D nehmind laa. mondae bienalle leiii! i so xcited! hehe XDXD so! wanna see the pics? the pics at my cam not dat many. there's 3 cams. but the most pics are with izhwan dslr.
its easier wit his cam. heh
soooooo.... have to wait for his pics! haha! =D
in the meantyme, see mine first!
haha >.<
umar liyanaaa.
umar suuuuu..
umar nasssss..
my houseee..

what we could have been, 1:33 AM.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
wohooooooooooooooshopping per ktorg beb!shopping pat bugis street!haha!ako belik dis cute palm. ngn half cardigan. ngn satu baju.in total, $40 seyyy.pi shopping ngn fatin, liyana and and sue. =Dduring a 3hr skwel break. haha!kekek per.shopping fast game nyer.from 12.30 to 3.30 abes shop.hehe.den balek skolar, ngn beg2 plastic sey.abey buat lyk nothing happened.paint usual. haha!den i saw, my other classmate pn pi shopping at bugis street too sia.risvanaaaaaaaa. u arrrrrrrr. same shopping beg as me arrrrrr. haha!damn funny. heh.kuat shopping sia.not enuf, after skwel, go shop at centrepoint. =.=liyana ar. nk belik ehem ehem. haha! XDXDhaha.dpt duet raye laa katerknnnn.hehe. XDaniwaess... fridae tao korg2!pi boon lay first ayte!=Dard 2? eyk? ye ker?hahatkpe. bsok discuss.haha!ah den! mondae bienalle laa seyyy!!!so xcited ah me! *simOn shuddup!*XDXD.ive never ever been to one beforeee! *drama mama sia!*=.=kk! gotta do essay!tmr pass up! 1500 words.die.AH! nas! microsoft word!k naseb ingat! haha!
why am i still still still! thinking of you?
im damn sure i put you far far away behind of me.
why are you giving me a hard time by doing this?
i have not met you ever since the day i last met you.
its been over a yr now.
or so.
as much as i want to,
pls save me this lifetime to not think of you.
what we could have been, 7:34 AM.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
haha!HAHA!=.=wad siaaaaa..ah thnks ey mas.buih.leave me with 4 untrusted guys.CHEY! HAHA! lyk real..no laa. veri veri veri veri veri veri veri nice guyssssss..hahaactualli not ur fault ar.
dat stupid knn apek's fault.
and and yes azhfar, its mas. yg tinggal pat simei tuuuu.hahahahaha XDanw, overall, the show was damn fun! EAGLE EYE! shuld watch!recommended! dijamin bgos! haha =Dhmmm..tapi kekek ar. got paan, nazeem, a short guy forgot his name, and azhfar.thnks again azhfar antar balek yerk..... maklomlaa. da mlm buta. tk baek tao anak dara balek mlm2. haha!ah! den tk amek gmbrr. ah yelaa. =.=but still, awk yg bwk, kter yg pnat.=.=but realli. the tunnel was damn long.dammmnnn long.realli long.i didnt noe dat.-_______-
and and congrats to azhfar kambing(shah), for passing the challenge.
cey cey.
nxt tyme pi try pegi north side. boon lay ke, yishun ker, bishan kerrrrrr..
challenging ryyyyttt??
haha! XD
what we could have been, 9:28 AM.