Thursday, August 28, 2008
weeheiheiiiiiiiii.i redid my digimedia lyk 2 tymes oready.and and im doing it for the 3rd tyme.hmm.and lyk we hav to present our dis project in front of the whole fine arts peeps on nxt nxt mondaeee.haiyoooo... so paiseyyy leiiii.=.=my one da laa not gd.erggghh.i dun lyk flash.idun lyk idun lyk i dun lyk!den one thg todae.-FAJ PASSED HER FTT!--AND SHE DIDNT EVEN SYUDY FOR IT PROPERLY THE DAE B4!-dammitttt doing my 3rd tyme bloody well studying for itand she can lyk do it in less then one dae.ergh where did i go wrongggg???erghh erghh ergghhhhhhhhhh!help me.yah yah okie.haiyaa nehmind laa3rd tyme i didnt pass, i wont b taking another ftt finale. fuinalie.=.=so! been staying back to do my digi media till late at nyt from last last wk.dis wk oso. gonna continue till the wk after nxt wk.cuz thats the wk we're gonna pass the damn flash thingy and present it to the whole damn class.interactive my foot!=.=damn damn damn.den nxt wk i can save up for at least abit to go to genting wit my skwelmates
maybe early jan nxt yr!b4 skwel reopens! heheheeee.cant wait! XDXDXDXDDDokie okie laa sharifahhhhhhh.must get back to my flash. lyk now.bye.=.=
what we could have been, 2:01 AM.
any minute now i think i myt fall and ultimately shut down.this overworked stuffs are killing me!
lyk todae, i crack my brains in the library finding info on HWA, Investigating arts, Psychology..opps,wait. psychology isnt in the syllabus?not yet dat is. haha! =.=anwsss... from 2 to 7 damn research for those damn things that i darn damn hate.haiyoo.not to forget, its raining wen i went to skwel and i didnt have an umbrella wit me.=.= i walked. to pasir ris interc.den after skwel, it rained. yet again.i myt. just mYt laa get a major headache soon. =___.___=>*HAHA!*so now wad?oh ya. i noe im contradicting but i am pretty satisfied wit wad i got.the researches, i mean.havent read them yet tho. hmmm..i dunnoe bout IA's researches. i donnoe wad she wants.okie maybe i noe but i cant find the artist's book anywhere at the national library.that leaves me no choice but to check at our skwel's library!jeng jeng jennggggg!!by hook or by crook. or by took or by nook. or by chook or by stook.=.=i nid sleep mannnnn.i only have 5 hrs to sleep a dae.its not good for someone my age. which is 18!hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha. not 19.hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.yet! HAHA! =.=
what we could have been, 5:18 AM.
staying in skwel till late at nyt is awesome!haha.painting, disturbing sImon,*altho in the end i got disturbed by him.=.=*and having dinner all together.nice!haha.every tue huh?its gets all my stress away..hais. DIGI MEDIA! im gonna kill u!ergh why me! cant come up with anythg!and have to pass up another 2 more bloody wks?oh mother!=.=not to mention there's still 2 essas to pass up on the same wk!dammit! 1500 and 300 words?1500 words for the first draft? DRAFT lei hello!*ERGH!*den tmr painting the whole dae.=.=hope the ppl that owns the cosy corner can lend me some oftheir cosiness and let me sleep there for a while. haha!pathetic arrrggghhhh!!!=.=okie okie chill.breath in, breath out.pause.think.bloody hell.=.= haha! im talking crap. okie fine.
what we could have been, 9:35 AM.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
okie todae was totally kecoh and and the story is veri veri longbut to make a long story short,fasting budden no fasting due to some reasons.den 7.30 on my wae to my aunt's house.but two angry gerls were already waiting for me at interc.i can still have tyme to lyk sit there for a while..hmmm.den went out to find the damn bus that didnt come! huh!haha. so. gedebak gedebuk.den went to interc, go expo.den bace bace bace.skejap sad ar me.hmmden went home. i mean go back to aunt's place.budden reached, and lyk imediately was asked to sing.karaoke some more! wad the?a duet ar.all pay money siaa. a bit nervous ar.heh. so paiseyyy. but my family wad. supporting me so gotta do it.den sing, i eat. eat cake! haha =DDden talk talk talk.funny sia. gd thg i went. thot of playing wit comel at home. haha =.=so! here i am! =DDgotta sleep was a damn tiring siaaaaaaaaa.chinjja. hmphh. knn the uncle. hmph.bud nehmind. give him chance. hahabdw, i ordered a beg thru online shopping!mon getting it!jyeahh. fiza bought tube laa seyyy!she's so xcited cuz she cant wait to show off her bare shoulder.wakaka. okie fiza i'll shuddup. hehe.bdw, i miss you laa bodo.
what we could have been, 10:28 AM.
siti sawiyah sulaiman.thnk u soo much for todae!u lyk my mother sia.well, u are older den me by a few mths!bud still! im still 18 but u already 19 and the heck!in a few mths u're gonna be 20! hahagrannyyyy.siol. =.= anws.. wad i wanna sae is thnks for the meal at sour puss, the ice cream at swensens, and the anklet at sinma..woahh. i noe thnk u is not enuf but thnk u so so much.and sorrie i hav little tyme to hang out these daes.assesment coming laaaaaaa. haha.=DDDu tc oryt! hehe =DDand one last thg, fiza biol
and and, comel i luvvv youuu~
XDoh okieee.
what we could have been, 8:18 AM.
wad the?funny, liyana, and faj. the three of us.wore purple lyk, coincidentally siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...wad the heck?me and liyana wore the same selendang. same colour. same type. same publisher!the weird thing is, we three wore the same shades of purple!totally weird!su mistakes me for liyana and and liyana for me. =.=damn shocked sia.den bugis, lyk mostly alot of ppl wore purple.the same shade of purple! fuyoo!!i give up!dunnoe wad happened todae! the three of us, lyk very paisey sia want to go back home together.lyk hello! three gerls wearing purple all over!lyk wad the?funny sia! gahahahahaha!!so tmr, hopefully diff colour laa puhlessss!damn paisey siaaaaa. haha!
what we could have been, 5:54 AM.
happy belated bdae singapore!&
happy bdae hadi~!!

well spore's bdae was already my cuzzie's bdae,hadi is todae!
just came back from his surprise bdae at pasir ris park todaee.
haha! its his first tyme encountering something lyyk dis.
awwwwwwwwwww. haha!
well! hope u lyk ur presents yaw! ;D
me and mas bought for him a t-shirt with the help of his bro, zaini.
haha den his two other frens bought for him pants! haha.=DD
and not to forget, i want to introduce everyone to my new baby girl!she's the newest and and youngest member of my family!hehe. she's s0o cute!i so love her! XDXDD
what we could have been, 6:03 AM.