once in a lyf tymemeans theres no second chance.everyday gives some hope to make it all the betterto noe dat someone accepts for me as me by mewhere shuld i take it and spin it around?to change wads ryt and wads wrongto make me seem oblivious to ueverytyme.in those lost hope,someone make me feel betterto noe dat dat person shares wad i feel.how i yearn to noe wads is wadto noe why is it soto noe where it came fromto noe how to perish it.but soon i realise dat it was all an unpredictable dreama showcase just for display
what we could have been, 2:43 AM.
feeling a little downnn lately..wonder why..alwaes down inside.haha.its okie laa.i can endure it alone, ne. >.<to make sure i wont feel down,*which i cant guarantee i can*shuld make me me me veri veri bz. every bloody single dae.haiyooo....haisss..wad to do. wad to do???the ppl im associating myself with are mostly plus one.HA-HA!orty denn!i don wanna talk about it.guess i cant forget it.so i just fight it!haha. dats the best i can do..
yeah me.=DD
what we could have been, 10:27 AM.
i think if i keep this up, my life will be mucccchh easier.im beginning to feeel happy about it now.hehee.trying to live the life i hav before himhaha!cant wait for it!hehee.if i don think, see him..the moral of the story is to keep myself bz.alwaes.the last thing i need is someone coming up to mesaeing and kept on pestering me about it him!thnks. i don need that.just lyk a few minutes ago, my youngest bro ask me bout him.wad the HECK!wad does he noe?bloody hell.he is scary sometymes ynoe.not that im not too but he's young!goodness!haha.oh well.bottom line is, i got over it almost oready!haha.yeah me!
what we could have been, 4:55 AM.
he viewed my profile.HA-HA!wad the heck?this is so(!) unbelievable.i mean, don u?lyk, i mean, i donnoe about u guys.but since the person, rarely did he sae anythg, etc or other bullshyt.dats(!) the HA-HA im talking about.for all we noe, he acCidentally pressed the damn button to mine.am i ryt?bloody hell.huwah seyy!mama didnt raise no fool.im really am pissed off.havent told anyone yet about anythgbut i tink its better to keep it to myself.i mean,afterall, im the one dats over.he cared as a fren.he has a person.crying to me wen its over doesnt count!or does it?
wad about the future?
i crave for somthing so long dat i loose track of it.
make me lyk a total idiot.
waiting is disturbing.
and for me to keep waiting is realli stupid.
veri dumb(!), i myt sae.
swyh saed that its good?
oh puhless! do u noe how i really want to puke wenever u saed dat?
its better den not having any!
wads more, im abnormal!
bloody hell!
its the worst!
damn bad!
plus watching mom's wedding dae makes it even worse!
don laugh laa can?
and and don smyle at me lyk dat.
i noe wad u're tinking!
chicken backside!
i have damn lots and bloody million loads of flaws can?
is there a problem?
so u noe, it ME!
not U!
so mind ur bloody business and make my way to
a pool full of dead fishes!
oh heck laa!
what we could have been, 10:11 AM.
HEY HEYYYYYY~its the 2nd dae of the sculpture carnival and i overslept.i mean, i thought i overslept.means i veri lazy to wake up laa.one wae to put it.haha. XDaniwaesss..i still went to the carnival lyk, ard 1245pm or so.??den, i make lots of wire thingys.plus! i get to eat for free and and drink lots of milos!haha.if i culd, i wuld lyk to bring home the milo pls??? >.<haha! its so yummmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... =DD

wadever it is.. faj soon joined us lyk ard 3 plus??den we straight away went to BUGIS STREET!haha. went to look for sunglasses. for this ah zhu. haiyyooo..pirate queen! AHA! queen of pirates! *rolling on the floor laughing*
=.=anihowww... in the end, bought the glasses at OG. haha.first tyme i went in there. hmm...i dun even noe it exists! till yesterdae laa.hahaden, bugis junctionnnn... hmm..i bought new book! RACHEL GIBSON again! hahaafter dat, we 3 thought of going raffles place to eat donut factory, budden, we saw J.CO. laa seyyy.a new branch at bugis j!tak ke terkejot ktorg! sooo... we ater there! no need to walk so far. haha! XDin the end, i still lyk donut factory better den j.co!wonder why quite a lot of ppl saed dey lyk j.co better...hmmm... more choices maybe?but not enuf taste ar for the donut at j.co.donut factory better.huwah seyy!im lyk, glued with donuts laa can?i noe i crave for donutd but this is too much oreadyy.>.<HA-HA!den for todae, during work, i saw the "police-and-thief' actor.one of the "super cop"'son! haha.at least he's friendly. haha.well. maybe. *evil grin*
mmmmm... oishii desu ne? / sedap kn kn kn? / mashketta!! /
- haha =.="
what we could have been, 4:26 AM.
i had load trucks of thinking..mayb its just me.mayb.wen i think and and rethink,i am happy for u.damn lots of millions happy for u.budden, wen i thought about it,i thought of how my life wuld be lyke.its really complicated.for me. all regarding myself.mei noe for sure i wont be getting someone hu will take me as me.its veri sad ynoe.really veri sad.even ur own family members, ALLdisturb u in a mean wae about urself..try being me.n u'll noe wad i meant.not mentally wise.physically disturbing.god made me this wae.and and wad can i do?be reasonable can?maybe im seasoned by the critics.bud im really not seasoned by the living happily ever afterwith someone dats abnormal.more or less with or without a special fren.in ur case, i knew it.it IS better to just let u go.haha.been really reasonable about it all.im veri forgiving. bud people are just not as forgiving as i am to them.wonder wen will i get that much of a respect.thru the daes and weeks dat passed by,i really can-not seem to be NOT having to see ur face everywhere i go.why ar?its really starting to piss me off.really!it makes me think the past and the future instead of the present.now dats ironic!even just now! my fren's brother have the same features as u.and den wad?i accidentally looked at him wen he looks just lyk u!bloody hell!wad is happening wit my eyes??can i go for a trip to a foreign country dat doesnt include guys??oh maaaaaaannnn..alwaes ynoe!this had got to stop!and i really mean it.i want to move on.with my studies and even my career.i don want to be stuck with him nor his memories pls.i am so definitely certain dat a guy will alwaes be a guy.no matter wad.all.all the same.sae me biased bud with experienced in my case,i think im ryte.just. just to myself about my physical self.not to other girls.dat,don wanna noe.cuz i have wad they don have.and wad i have is not a good thingbud i just laugh it off and try to be as positive as ever.pls don make me cry often.i don wanna be xhausted after dat.thnks.
what we could have been, 8:13 AM.
aha!wake up wake up!so in my dreams ryt now.or not.he's everywhere!bloody hell!shyt siak!ako da laa nk luperkn.nik tak!pantat de laa!bodo btol.*TSK!*padahal. padahal!iiiisssssssshhhhhhhhh!!ako nk ketok kpale de bley tak?tapi taknk jumpe de.so i'll ask someone to do it for me. can?haiyoo im so sick of him oreadyyyyhe bloody hell better get a new one. fast!
what we could have been, 7:13 AM.
muahaha-hahaha!went out again todaeee..pegi JB.=DD. nothing much ar actualli.just dat for me, its a different place as the usual place i went.kehkehkeh.tmr shuld be fun fun fun!pls make it happen!the picnic! jyyeeaaaahhhh!!ok be ready ppl! haha. =DDDDDDDD
what we could have been, 2:50 AM.