"Like Whoa"Life is good I can't complainI mean I could but no one's listeningYour image overwhelms my brainAnd it feels good, good, goodNow I'm rolling my window downI love the wind but I hate the soundYou're like a tattoo that I can't removeAnd it feels good, it feels good, it feels good[Chorus:]Like a rollercoaster rideHolding on my knuckles whitewhoa, whoaCan't believe I'm likewhoa, whoaEverytime I'm likeUp and down and side to sideEvery inch of me is likewhoa, whoaGot me feeling likewhoa, whoaEverytime I'm likeIn the morning it begins againFeels like I'm falling better strap me inI think I'm running out of oxygenAnd it feels good, it feels good, it feels good[Chorus]My inhibitions are beginning to let goThis situationI can't help but lose controlNo inner friction that I cannot seem to breakIt feels good, it feels goodI'm holding on, I'm holdin' onLike a roller coaster rideLike I'm running a red lightLike a rocket ship is likeEvery inch of me is like WHOA!Like a rollercoaster rideHolding on my knuckles whoaEvery inch of me is likewhoa, whoaGot me feeling likewhoa, whoa
what we could have been, 5:29 AM.
from wad i noe.painting last minute is NOT easy.ryt. im painting my butt off now. bloody hell.its 11.30pm now and i still have another 1/4 of my painting to go.not to forget i still have to IRON MY CLOTHES! eeeeaaarrrghh!okok. anws.. just a uick recap wad i did after madrasah todae.. HA-HA! funny story!heh. my bro got admitted to hospital and we three, went to downtown,E!HUB,njoying my dad's coupon! haha.$20 coupon to use, den we spent it! hahahmm.. bsok nk puase ke tak ar?k maybe not. gonna be damn stress and i need food! takleh memudaratkan!dut mon and and thurs! allah suker org puase ari tu! argh! kk nvm. i try nxt week!=DDDaniwaeessss... theres dis bigg bigggg ferris wheel dat my dad told us about.the problem is, its not big. just a mini-in-the-shopping place thingy. hahaand and guess waht!!WE GET TO SEE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM, MOVIE FOR FREE!not cus we get a coupon by a stranger gave it to us!damn lucky sia! we were standing there, to see wad movies are there but not intending to watch den comes a man with a baby, giving me 3 tickets.he saed in malay:" here, take it. its a jackie chan movie. i give it to u. go watch it."we were dumbfounded laa can.i ask him why he doesnt want it. sui sui sia for three ppl and for US three! hahahe saed," have my daughter, kept on crying, so we cant go in. go. watch k."wad else! we go on! hahawithout any second thoughts, we go in! HAHA! COOL!wen we sat, it JUST started! huwah! sui sui siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.best! the movie was funny and fun! i loiiike! heheh.and just my luck, my acrylic is lyke shyt!fcuk! oopps sorrie. heh.
argh can i jump down?
what we could have been, 8:02 AM.
i change it.new blog skin. i came across it. haha.nice not? nice ryyytt. i lyke the heels. heh.=Daniwaeess..i woke up at 10 todae.. den was thinking of doing my acrylic.left with only one! ONLY ONE LEFT! budden, wen i look at my room, huwah!i started clearing and organising the 1/5 of my room.ryt!quite a little, itsy cleaner den before laa.it wont be long till its to the original messiness again.. -.-"its 11.35am now and i havent eaten my breakfast yet. i havent even started my acrylic can?die die later after my religious class i have to do.have to pass up tmr leii.. due date. okok.im happie to announce dat im gonna buy chocolate later after my class.
i don careee
can take my stresses away ynoeee... huhuuu.XD. oryty den!byeeeee~
what we could have been, 8:30 PM.
aha! scared ya didnt i?k maybe not but nevermiiiinnndddd.. heh.lyk i saed, just got back from work.. and and feeling reaaaaally tired.and stressed out at the moment!.all cus of my digi mediaaaaaa~can i dig a hole in the ground and bury myself there till digi media's assessment date is over?can i can i can i? pls pls plsssss...bloody helli am now trying to sort out a step at a tyme to do my works for only 1, bloody ONE, damn ONE subject! dats y i major in painting! budden 2nd yr oso ader DIGITAL MEDIAAA~i confirm die. wanna bet? HAH! -_-"KNNCCB LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
what we could have been, 2:08 AM.
to whom it may concern..(IF u are reading this..-_-")
i just thot about it.
why don u giv her a chance to sae what she gotta sae?
since u guys don meet very often,
there got to, i mean, MUST have some things bottled up
just finding the ryt tyme to sae it out, am i ryt?
EGO, my dear dear poOr poor fren..EGO!
haha. ^-^
aniwae..just don agitate her more.
and tell her what U feel too.
in some point, stop for a while and discuss what realli is, u guy's problems..
and u dont need me to tell u dat ryt?
wadever it is,
if im wrong, hmm..
no ego(s), tell me.
what we could have been, 11:02 AM.
i came ppl.i came to skwel. haha. what a relief! hehee.budden, im late. suppos-edly to meet with fiza laa..budden, i later found out dat she didnt went to skwel. cuz she overslept!-_-"wad laa fizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... alwaes tak jadik taoooo.. huhuuuuXDXDDDtodae, alot alot of acrylic! i mean, acrylic dae! -_-""and our complimantery, not going anywhere!tmr im working and i THINK i may be going to skwel back.cuz, i have to do my digi mediaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~bdw, i made my namecard mock up oready.the colour is pink and don worryyyy IM GONNA CHANGE IT!theres no WAY im going to keep it as it is.pink? PINK? wad a laugh! bloody hell, not in a million years! HAH!i actualli just came back home.. haha.realli tired, nothing to do, on comp lerrr..heh.den again, i walked home, feeling so depressed. hahadunnoe why laa. suddenly only. heh.ahah! sumathi, ur story with sujane ar, realli the hilarious! haha =DDive never heard someone act lyke dat before. haha. so funny sia. and pathetic at the same tyme. HA-HA. -_-"during the tyme in class, dat ah beng ar! realli getting on my nerves!spray water at me! bloody hell. alot ynoe!want ot go home oso must disturb me. crazy guy! nyehhhhand and ahZhu saed to not play with dat ah beng!pls laa i innocent lor dat tyme.i didnt disturb him one horrrrrrrr...haha.bud the fire xtinguisher part was fun! i didnt noe it have a smell.the smoke i mean. bloody hell.luckily the windows are open. hahawell den. dats all yawww.. =DDtc den! gotta bathe, get realli smell nicey, den go eat my rice, den den go eat panadol cold, den den dennnnn... errrr... wad to do ar?i feeling dizzy now. i cannot think straight. o_O haha.kk. ciao. =))
what we could have been, 6:25 AM.
huwah. sh*t!i got the flu bug.and and now, i cant stop sneezing!den, my watercolour ppr is on my feet. damn darn pathetically weak to go pick it up!was thinking of doing my last week work. bud veri the lazy.but i have to.last LAST week one?? errrrr...ajik! heheee.-__-"well, lets count how many pieces of tissue i have used shall we?damn i hope i can go to skwel tmr.i don wanna be at home and be a hopeless, non-useful tool!bbleeaargghhh.hmm.. i crave for munchy's doughnut! =)))mmmmm..... wonder how it'll taste lyke.
and and let me sae, hell yah my mood swings are getting nasty!nastier by the minute.my bros get it rough from me. even a stranger gets it from me.ha-ha so sorrie. *evil grin*shall be working my butt out tmr IF the heck im coming.the lecturers are furious now that we all kept coming late.haiss... im sick laa. heh.ok. shall not sae the word "si_k" animore.touch wood. im just.. not dAt healthy todae. haha. -_-"k laa k laa. gotta go do my acrylic.lyke, now!
what we could have been, 8:06 AM.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
actualli its window shopping for me..hehe.
we went walking down bugis street AGAIN!
den me and ahZhu went to TM.
huwah. its been a while..
i wanna buy shoes!
not to mention the oh-so-nice shoulder beg which is on offer at bugis street!
waiting for my dad to blanja me..=((
i think im coming down with a flu!
ushaa.. u gave it to me!
huhuuu =(( haha.
i kept on sneezing sia. i cant stop. -_-"
ah bdw, dunnoe wad my lappy dreamt about, it can download pics! so fast too.
ha-ha. -_____-"
k anw..taken a photo of me todae and and *ahem* FOUND a photo the one with ah beng!it looks lyke im bullying him. but seriously, im not.seriously. heh.
zhi xian!
zhi xian.. tsk tsk tsk.
u make me look bad..
what we could have been, 7:43 AM.
i have a stalker. ha-hait was scary. i had not been this scared till just now after skwel.im so scrwed.ha-ha.wad the hell am i going to do now?bloody hell.its my luck dat just now liyana and i go home together.i owe it to her. hehdunnoe wads gonna happen tmr.i am so not gonna meet him.he kept on pestering me to meet him.wad the heck?help me! o_O
what we could have been, 7:24 AM.
bloody hell.why do i have to feel this way?shyt.i need a break. i realli do need a break.im so frustrated and and stressed out! more to the frustrated.why? how did this happen? when; dats the main point!haiss..culd i live lyke this?flying cow.im not going to history class tmr. so i dats the only chance i can have a break from all my thoughts.to release all there is to it. bloody hell laa.i cant afford to delete ur emel from my msn or or hotmail, friendster even!den how? tell me how?shyt.chicken!!i don want to watch these kinds of movies or shows animore.but i cant bluff myself.bloody hell.argh
what we could have been, 9:33 AM.
great news guysss!i lost my thumbdrive in skwel and i have to rewrite my essay of 1500 words allllllllll over again and i have to hand it in by mon, 9-11 am wen i still have my lesson! and its in the next Wing! the heck! bud the bad news is, i finished my essay just now at faj's house! yeah me!ironic isn't it? -_-"haiss... about yesterdae, it went rather....how'd i sae this...erm. emotionally bad.me and mas was lyke, in one of our mood swings and we merely quarrel.-about where to go.-_-"
she's at pasir ris interc, saeing no need to come.me? im all set to go and den she saed, no need, i sae no need to go, wad do it do? was thinking to just walk to WS, have some fresh air and have sometyme alone. hehbudden, she changes her mind, saeing lets go to TM. hehso dats wen it all began..=)we were emotional dat dae.. haiss...she's been stress bout akwel and O level, ive been stressed bout my personal life and my skwel.is growing up this stressful? den i don wanna grow. *no feeling face*
aniwaeess... wen we are walking back at ard 9.35..
reaching mas's house..theres been an incident!
someone jumped! from the 12th floor!
i was so damn terrified laa can!
haiyooo.. in front of my eyes leiiii...
my heart jumped a beat.
realli man. i watched till the end..
GGggggrrreat timing! -__-"
and den i wonder ..how it'll be like in the future. i felt so sian. can i go cry now?haiss.. its a good thing i have "imann"
and and i hope i culd take it in long enuf for me n0t to xplode.
choose one.hate meor hate me
i hope to go on.. all things came crumbling down
just as i thought my life culdnt get any worser..
the only thing i can count on is the air i breathe.
what we could have been, 7:57 AM.
muahahaha... i downloaded some of the pics i meant to download at Faj's house.heh. XDi think there's something wrong with my lappy.hmmm..i think maybe., just MAyB i deleted the softwrae that was meant for picstures?lyk, JAVA? hmmm..die. heh.so its gonna be all words from now. haha.so, well.. njoy my pics.!hmm. ok dat sounds a little bit wrong.haha. =D
its esther Judeyy! XDXDDD
oh! its the tyme of my Bro's bdae! ROYAL CAKE! yummmm.. =DD
aha! this pic! the one on top: it was random. and th one below,we were standing sOOO close to the roadside! haha

yah. this is where we camwhore all the wae! haha XD and inside the museum somemore! XDXD
last pic for the dae! Its me and faj! during class tyme! hmm.. like we care to do 3D! haha
what we could have been, 2:49 AM.
it's damn relieving that i finished my ESSAY! and my 3D! yeah me! XDXDDDmy 3D looks plain though but the lecturers saed, "not baaad ahh.." ^-^so it means i have a more den 50 percentage dat i'd pass. hahabudden, 3D presentation board! haiyoooo.. my sketches dunnoe go where. HA-HA! -_-"wad the hell..!wait wait. lagik got digital media. huwah! dat one realli cannot make it sia. altho we hav to make something cool. bud still! the stupid-difficult-to-do-cool-thing got grades leiii... im screwed! so dead! o_Ohmmm... but my pastels so relaxingggg... dats cuz jian yao not the kianciong type.stilllllllllll.......... the preparation si sian! si chim some more! KNN.den wad else? printmaking. k dat one, nvm.. can manage. haha. and im sO gonna use glove wen i am doing the ink base thingy. damn dirty lorr. hahaaniwaesss... i've been a bz bz gerl these past few weeks. haha. seems lyk im a different person.heh. i hope i dont change. change for the better, can. hahaso! tmr goin watch movie. girls dae out. si azhfar cannot make it. so its just us gerls. hehnvm. no biggie. =D. we want to check out downtown toooooooo. XDim getting sick of town.. hmm.. want the old places baccckkkk. haha.*duhH face*its gonna be 11 pm soon and im wondering if i would want to start on my pastels or not. want to email QUECK bout the essay or not. hmm... alar heck care laa. as long as i pass up can oready laa.heh.AHA! *evil grin*im majoring in PAINTING u guyyyyyysssss!!!
yeah me! ^-^
dunnoe why im happy bout. hehe. =))budden, the sian part, i hav to retake 0 levels math laa siaaa!burden to my shoulders, hands, legs, head, MIND! the heck! -_-"got to got to! for NIE. for psychological studies! have to.. . .
what we could have been, 7:37 AM.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
*bleeeaarrggghhhh*went shopping todaeeee with my gfs. heh.bugis street oni.but surprisingly bugis street todae ard 1 to 2+ pm not many ppl. hahahmm.. i wonder too. XDaniwaess.. i bought a dress, and and i bought a new new caRdigan again! todae.bloody hell. thats 3 damn cardigans already. still counting how many others i lost.HAH! nasty! hehaeeaarrgghhhhghghhh..!!-__-"saturdae! ah yes dis coming saturdae!! *evil grin*. going to watch movieee!damn nice to rileks after all dat! haha. but wait! MY ESSAYYY!!! aaarrreerrergheghrghghghgeeaearraghghgH!!!no plagiarism? IF its spelled lyk dat! dammit!have to redo sia! "It is a crime to plagiarize other ppl's essays. You could be kicked out of school!"argh dats wad the teacher saes laa. bloody hell. lyk, saturdae! 12 midnyt sharp leiiiii.im not at home! die.nvm. start now. not to redo EVERything ryyyyt. rephrase some onii..tileks laa sharifahhhh.. so kancong for wad sia. heh.YAH RYT! i have my pastels to finish off lei!my damn 3D somemore! den got wad?AH! acrylic!! on fridae leii!wad the heck!!argh. k im stress. *deep breath**breath out..* FUHHH!bloody hell! -__-"help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me!!
what we could have been, 4:30 AM.
Happy Bdae Syed Hafiz!!
may you hav a good good tyme karaoke-ing! dunnoe where.. heh. XD
i want to eat the choc cake so cpat balek!! -_-"
hmm.. todae nothing special u guys..just came back from work and i HAV realli hAv HAv to work on my history essay. if i wait till the last min, die.
cannot make it one wor. heh den kena "lecture" by miss queck. or is it Mrs??k nvm..hehhmm..errrr...ive been thinking..wad if.. i sae i wont.....noe wad? nevermind its ok.. forget it.oryty den! nothing to display after dis..bye! ^-^
PS: STILL cannot load pics!
what we could have been, 4:58 AM.
still cannot upload pics.
bloody hell.
wad to do? carry onnnnnnnn~!
what we could have been, 8:43 AM.
actualli ryyytttt..
i have quite a lot of posts i hav not yet post.lyk duhhh! hahai mean, now's not the tyme laagot alot of assignment to do. and somemore got assesment!die.
HA-HA.and den dis blog cannot upload pics.no pics not fun ar.no fEel! haha! -__-"its either my comp, or the connection.ah shit laa.k anwww..just wait for my posts ayte.kitari saeyo! ^-^ah one more thing.. ISKANDAR MIRZA!
u sly fox u!
yalaa the cute little kfc guy don hav animore laa.
what we could have been, 12:27 PM.
yessireeee!laugh alot todae. i made the ryt choice by going to my grandma's house!=DD at first, thot dat it wuld be 'boring-and and-nothing-to-do' kinda feeling, which i usually felt.budden, todae was different. had quite some fun wit my cuzzies. =)damn lots of laughters. realli.especially when my same-age-guy-cuzzie talked about jokes.and and my younger-gerl-cuzzie was damn stupid and and her answers were all crap and and unlogic! wad the heck! haha.we were laughing lyk mad wen its her turn to guess the answer bout the joke!she's realli one-of-a-kind wen answering jokes. HA-HA.-_-" crazy gerl.heh.ah bdw! i brought my 100 sketches book to fill up my boredom bud in the end, i didnt even draw anythg! -___________-"my same-age cuzzie drawed on it.
nothing related to sketching.-___________-""
purposely one wor he!make my blood go upstairs sia dat guy. he drew the so-called graffiti and and luckily its to my liking. heh. XDXDD. he's the only cuzzie which is of the same age as me. so sad.bud he cracks me up sia. gd thg he hav some humour. hehee..=D
hmm.. i wonder one dae we all cuzzies culd hang out together,no? hmmmm..
shuld organise. hehee. shuld be fun.. heh. XD
planning to forget?
already forgotten. yeah to me!
lip-sae,"i will call u"-mr new one
he is so cute.
a beard and a sense of craziness goes a looong wayy..
but to a certain point, i don think i can make it to what ppl want me to reach.
i cant possibly know what will happened in the future.
i'd rather die.
what we could have been, 8:36 AM.
hello mr new one.and and gdbye mr dumb mutt!i tried to keep it awayi guess u just have no more interest in me,no?gd thing i already got over u.luckily!hoping dat i will quickly quickly forget the memories and and the person itself.i hate to be the only one thinking.yeah i did ONE starFruit acrylic! -___________-"just one pic. not even i painting. and i don think i lyke it dat much tho.i hav toally forget how to control the acrylic paintings.so pissed off laa kan.haiss... at least im doing my work! heheeand and guess wad? todae is the first tyme i slept in the afternoon for 2 and 1/2 hours!huwah! its been a long tyme laa kan. im so shocked myself!haha. maybe im too tired and worn out after working. heh ^-^still hav alot of hmwk to do.VISUAL JOURNAL! ah hav to remember! nearly forgot! haha
"tomorrow u're coming for madrasah ryt?
we'll talk more about it...
IF im not shy.." -mr new one
haha shy keperrr... XDXDDD
long tyme since i havent seen a guy being shy..
hmmm... mayb never. haha.
altho i slept in the afternoon, which i actualli dont, im kinda sorta sleepy ryt now.
haha. im as sleepy as a lazy pig. haha -_-"
what we could have been, 8:37 AM.
i lyke hav alot of paintings to do laaaa can?!
im so lazy! why am i lazy?
i hav to do! hav to laa bodo! cannot be so lazy one leiii!
wad is thiss?? do laa bonehead!
arrrggghhh!! -_-"I NEED AIR DAMMIT!
im so damn pissed off with myself laa can?
alot of reduction! financially! veri drastically!
still! got alot to buy! it doesnt end there!
theres still 2 yrs plus LEFT!
been realli realli sleepy these daes. haiss..
im working tmr. just got back hm.
argh chinjja! ottoke~!?
bulah yo!
maybe the onli solution is to NOT be lazy, veri lazy, and just practicing!
and and no just talk and no action yar sharifah!
alwaes been lyk dat! kiwak! gotta buck up! damn!
been a pain in the arse ryt?
do not sae anythg
ill alwaes remember wad
u hav left me and i will never now
look back to u.
keep ur words and and throw it into the deep water
full of ur ego and defiances.
i hav no interest in u.
she's ryt.
"all ___ are the same. totally the same"
i culdnt agree with her more!
dumb mutt.
what we could have been, 8:38 AM.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
i have a lot to sae to you.chinjja hav a lot to sae..why are u neglecting me?im realli not suppose to be lyk dis.i dun need somebody bud why you?im devastated..i dunnoe wad else im going to sae. i cant let it all out to u just lyk dat ryt?den wad? how? ottoke? mareba!!tsk. aisssshhh..!!NEVERMIND! tmr, gonna release my stress away wit my gerlfrenss..hehee.. SUMATHI, U ARE DEAD! hmph! =Danw, OK AH ZHU! watch shutter yah! okie? hehee..=Dhmmm.. wearing high heels tmr? i think i am gonna wear high heels. haha.must be some surprise huh? haha.so dat i can get my mind out of that mutt and some other things of skwel.heh. well, he's not replying my msg. the particular msg.we were fine in the afternoon..i dun want to think anymore laaa! bullshiat! haha.so! i bought! i bought it u guys!an easel!! yeaaaahhh! im so heppie! now i can do my charcoal wit pleasure.. hahaden i bought a new book! "tangled up in you" by Rachel Gibson from little black dress. hehee.bought a board along with the easel too! so so heppie!
chukaiyoh sharifahhh!! hahaa..
pls laa.. im not lyk dis towards someone! i don lyk being 19!
if it means i hav to feel this wae!
no way!
can i go back to bcoming 17? 17 is just enuf.
maybe im thinking too much..
and and back den, maybe now too, im being gullible.
k he's stupid.
dumb mutt!
what we could have been, 6:23 AM.