for the whole dae, i totally didnt think of u! yessaaa! im so heppie!at least i noe i am. heh. so! tried my ftt todae.and guess wad? i failed! haha. as predicted! heeheee.nvm, i'll remember! i thrive to pass my ftt! i will i will i will! AJA AJA FIGHTING!! =DD15 march 2008. 10.15 - 11.20 am. before HWA some more! haha.huwah! hahahaa..
now. yes now. im so not gonna reply ani of ur msges laa can?heck care. ahh shuddup laa u. haisss.... let u feel wad i feel.can u feel it? can u can u? HA-HA! i don tink so. u're a guy afterall.
what we could have been, 7:55 AM.
im realli dissapointed in u.why am i alwaes the one that have to be thinking these things?why wuldnt u let me go lyk i did to u some tyme ago?im so upset with myself.bud more importantly, im upset and realli cant predict dat u wuld do such a thing to me.see wad it had done to me?i dun lyk myself being lyk dis laaaaaaa....and and i dun think ur "sorrie(s)" meant anythg to u. as in, its not from ur heart.i can noe. u just sae it for the sake of saeing it.
myt as well u ignore me lyk how u alwaes do.
dumb mutt.
like u wuld noe wad im saeing! haissss...
what we could have been, 8:09 AM.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
dear mrs, mdm missss.. haha. u cannot see himmmmmy cute cute cute bagy pants shorty short short kfc guy. =))))hahaha.walk pass kfc dunnoe how many tymes oready laaeaaaaaa haha.still not there. meaning, he dun wan u guys to see him! his face too cute! heheheeee..only for me to see! haha -_-"den &$%%$@, dunnoe why i think of you laa! bloody shiat!u realli get me head over heels! den den den! argh! realli fed up wit u ar. dunnoe y.for no reason. its u lorrrrrr! haiyooo. now wad? i told u to not talk to me again. cuz i don feel lyk talking to u. den u saed u cant forget it. i told u to forget it ryt? knaper degil sgt nik?bud den, i dun wan u forget it! argh! bijokso? cant u undertand me?i guess not huh?k den.
what we could have been, 10:18 AM.
hmygodohmygodOHMYGOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!kfc guy. the kfc cute guy! THE kfc cute guy!!!i saw him! i saw him!!! yesterdae! at KFC! (duhhh~!) after a long long tyme! huwah! im so shocked and and heppie at the same tymeeeeeee! haha.XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDDDDhe's still as cute as ever! so short, small and most importantly cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!^-^ listen listen. wen i came to buy drink from him(purposely him!), he smyled at meeeeeeeeeeee! so kawaiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDDD. wen i was ordering, i maintain my xcitedness and oso careful careful to look at himm! haha. if not, he will notice dat i kept looking at him at kept smyling! haha. so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! seriously he's cute! i swear! haha XDsawiyah, u are my lucky charm! ahzhu!, u are my unlucky charm! remember the counting-syilings-on-the-table incident, and den he didnt show up??? hmm hmm hmmmmmmmmmmmm????hahaha! wadever it is, im so heppie that i get to see him! heheheeeee..monday . 8.45 pm . dat faithful nyt! AH CEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! WAKAKAKA XDXDXD.dat dae, was in-cre-di-ble! mrs incredible & mr in-cute-able! hahakkkk!i FINALLY finished my montages todae! im so heppie!bud i hav to do some adjustments to my file. haha. =))other den dat, im 0k! haha. XD so heepie!better yet! tmr, i hav charcoal, and the HEALTH SCREENING! huwah! cant wait!it must be fun, no? haha.
appointment . 10.45 am . seminar hall . campus 1 . level 2. heheeeand and den. den wad ar? hmmm... see laa!ah HIM! dat chicken! am i mad at him? no im not? den wad?is dun wan to talk to him, or listen to him, not mad? den wad is it?argh im going crazy! pigonnata.. dun wan to think laa. pabo.
will it kill u to just say that to me?
im not asking anymore
in fact, i never ask for anything
what we could have been, 5:18 AM.
seriously, alwaes the t0ilet.. haha.. -_-"
my GREEN charcoal ppr for dat dae.. -_-"
Letely, ive been eyeing 0n green. hmm.. shir0 shir0! i wont abandon my l0vely purpleeee! haha XD. the last dae 0f skwel, i wore green! green green green. and surprising ly, F0UR ppl wore green 0n that dae t00! wad the heck. haha its funny! mine's the brightest! haha. n ruzaini's 0ne of dem and guess wad? dat dae is the SECOND tyme me and him unn0ticely wore the same colour shirt! first on valentines dae, which is red, now last dae before gd fridae, which is green! huwah! haha.=DDhols for me? huwah! no hols for me laa.. i hav t0 work lyk mad laa.. everydae 7.30 am must reach work. since yesterdae,, for two straight daes now. not to mantion i havent done MOST of my assignment yet. NOT EVEN my religious project! die! -________________-""tmr, i hav religious class which starts at 1.30 pm bud in the m0rn at 7.30 am, i hav to work! huwah! wad the heck! tough job working at the geylang market! -_- chinjja ssi...haisssss.......
realli stressed up already. haiyaa d0n wan t0 talk anim0re laa.
bullshyt. -_-
bloody rat
i have no time now
it makes me sick already..
what we could have been, 2:53 AM.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
haha. went super shopping spree with SAYA aka sawiyah, t0dae. hehee. =)) i mean, realli sh0pping! s0 many plastic begs laaaaaaa. lyk realli!! im n0t j0king! haha. XD. went after skwel t0dae! went 0t bugis street! accompany her buy her clothes, den guess wad? I SHITTILY SAW MY EX NEIGHBOR LAA! dat bloody ikmal hisharm! wad the heck! WHY BUGIS?? WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????!!!!!!!!
he m0ved to woodlands or jurong or wherever ryt? why bugis sia! damn him! iso hate him to the c0re! dumb mutt! k anw, a gd newsss.... MY FREN BOUGHT THE "ANDY WARHOL" shoulder beg FOR
meeeeeee~!!!so heppieeeee! she so nice! i so lyke it! heheee... XDXDDDDshe lyk blanja me all the wae laa... she s0 funny. a bit weirdhaha.........she's my friend so friends stick together till the end ryt? hehee.. =))make believe what i said
what we could have been, 8:19 AM.
fluffy fluffy cuddly golden bearrr... =)))huwahh! for the first time ever, history finished fast. i mean, i came at 12:20 and it ends at ard 1:20?? wadever it is, i noe its b4 2. it was a nice beginning. for a tuesdae! haha so wadever it is, we went to bugis KFC to eat. my cute guy is still not there. maybe he quits? maybe he changes shift? been transfered to another place?? yada yada yada?? haha k anwss... been shopping today! haha. me, dat is. haha. ^-^ i bought a mushroom!!! XDXDDD a marshmallow cushion mushroom! i had quite a few of collections! haha. so soft and niceeee. hehe.
it costs almost 10 bucks. heh. =) its 0k. =D heheee... den, we fell upon a teddy bear corner!! a place i never knew exist somewhere in the inner part of bugis junction! haha. XDXD.
den, theres dis huge huge bear!! its so cuddlyyyy!! so kawaii!! hehee.. esther jude and me were lyk little kids laa.. heh. perhaps, jun and and sumathi were also lyk little little kids too! haha. we went lyk,
" awwww.. can i have dat?" " how much is it?" "its so soft!"
smthg lyk dat.hahaha XD. even had a picture of it. and others. haha. =)) 3D was a disaster! now, i really starting to hate the subject! hmph. really stressing me out. huhuhuuuuu... ={
dats me collectiiioo00n! haha ^-^i love all of em...=)
AH! THE BEARSS!! XDXD. realli bunch of kidd0s. haha =DD

i tried my bestto stand away from fantasydont give me what i want dont give me your face either
what we could have been, 6:55 AM.
heyyyyaaa... ^-^been a gd gerl t0dae, didnt go anywhere. didnt even STEP out of the house. heh.been in my room the whole dae!the only thing i came out of my room is bcos i had to eat or go to the toilet or just plain walking. haha. im serious. cuz im doing my hmwk!bud still havent finished. damn! haha XD. tmr's the start of skwel!! wanna noe wad im looking forward to? the health screening activity thingyyyyy!! cant wait! i wanna noe my blood type! hehe.. health matters ynoe! haha
aniwaeeess... ive been also watching the K-drama GOONG since yesterdae.. hmm..
been addicted to it. hehehee.. =DD
so anihow.. gotta sleep lorrr.. tmr skwel!
starts at 9! dammit! -_-"
pls say it one more tyme
i just think it sounds clear and really soothing..
what we could have been, 9:09 AM.
so nice nice! gerls dae out! ^-^ HA-HA!lyk, actualli we PLAN-ed to watch the movies todae. bud den, the b0wling thingy was s00000000000 tempting and and thereforeeee we went on wit it! wad the heck! its fun. cool thing.. wad the? ok! -_-"
kk den guess wad?! i saw farhan sam and marzuki and and tw0 0ther gerls at the b0wling place laa seyy! haha. sh0cked. 0ne thg.
den an0ther, b4 dat, g0ing t0 the t0ilet, SAW ZHI XIAN!!!! and his gerl. HA-HA!
wad the heck!!! ??? n0t finished yet.
at mrt, saw our junior. sec skwel junior.
den at mac, saw FAIQAH!!
den the most darn shocking part is, WE SAW AHLI FIQIR LAAAAA SEYYYYYY!!!!! outside swensens! w0w! thats a lot in 0ne dae! 0ne nyt even! rytt!!!! haha. =DDD
after b0wling, we went to play the arcade! lyk. w0w! its been a long LONG tyme since i played the arcade. games i mean! haha. it was fun though. many many stupid games bud car racing was the all tyme fav! heheee ^-^really tiring th0. haha. ^-^. den tmr's a big event that I hav to attend! ORYTY DEN! fffuuuhhhhhhhhhhh!!! formal wear huh? heels? hell yeah. been a long tyme ryt? haha ^-^
k laaaaaa.... pics! there's pics! haha. =))))))
mas's merepekness! -__-"reaction ONE:
THREE!: haha. so funny! XD
aaaaaaannnndddd and there's me!! ^-^ getting all hyped out about smthg called BOWLING! haha XDXDXDDD

what do u think made all these happen?i beleive what it is..
what we could have been, 10:15 AM.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
woohuuu! hahabest dae! best dae of the century of best daes!! HA-HA! im so so so so so so so so so hepppieeeeeee laaaa seyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!heheeeee... i cant stop smylingg can? XDDDXDDD!k anw, watched movies together-gether. haha. -_-" k dennn.. its raining, dats the UN-best part. bud we realli had fun! haha. so realli bring back the memoriess!! heheeee.the BEST BEST BEST PART iiiisssss....... HE'S SO DAMN FREAKING SMART AND COOL TODAE! meaningg>>> his outfit! veri the smart and nice. both of us wearing black!the better! woohuuu!! haha =DDD.k anwwwsss.... he send me home tonyt!! heheee ^-^im not awkward wen im wit him anymore. veri casual. heh. =Dthe main thing is, i had a great greeeeaaaat tyme going out wit him todae! XDDDD
once again,its so gerek! ok stop it sharifah. haha. first tyme ever im lyk dis yah? hmm.. dunnoe y. heh. Oryty den! enuf gerrllll.... haha XD.
give me what i crave for
just a pinch of it will do..
what we could have been, 6:57 AM.
hope u hav a gRReat dae t0dae!! ^-^

in the end,,, sumathi and liyana didnt make it.
wad a waste! me, junzhu and and esther jude had a blast just now. altho me and esther were a tad late to mit her, bud it turns out all ryt. hehee XDDD lots and lots of pics were taken. haha. most of it had nothing to do wit COMPLIMENTARY STUDIES'S PROJECT! -__-" haha! bud its cool. we get to discuss and hav fun on jun zhu's bdae! bsides, we get to see esther jude dress so nicely and pretty todae.. heheee.. anws, we g0t her a rose, a slice of ice cream cake and a meiji chocolate!! yeah to us! haha. at a short period of tyme, we get to put two incredible-vegetable minds on wad to get her! HAHA. XDDDXDD!
after airport, i went to MARITUS MANDARIN HOTEL for my rehearsal about usering. heh.i was in doubt about the hotel bud wen i got inside, im amazed. most of us were. haha. so ladies n gentleman, do NOT judge a book by its cover yar! haha XDXDDDD
AHA! we even get to play wit dry ices! dat goes along wit the ice cream cake wen they pack it! it was so cool laaaaaaa... haha! k den!=))
so den! pictures speaks louder den words no? so here u go! ^-^
the bdae gerl wit esther jude! XD
hey candid! look at esther jude. realli her candid. -_-"


wad do u tink are they d0ing? haha. let u guess.. =D

to approve, trust someone
it takes great responsibility and commitment
to trust yourself first.
what we could have been, 7:45 AM.
tmr. tmr.. hmmm...veri veri the tiring dae. heh.u shuld see tmr's p0st ayte! =DDD
what we could have been, 10:12 AM.
hehee.. gone shopping todaeee... my dad sponsors E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!! wow. haha.guess where we went shopping at? BUGIS STREET. -___________________-'""WAKAKAKAAKA! same ol' same ol' bugisssss. hahabud before dat, in the morning, i went for werk, and and in the midst of doing my work, AMINAh came knocking at my door. bley tersrmepak ngn ako pat geylang. haha. klakar kn. gelak laa.. haha. XDXDDD.k anw, den we shop lyke wad the freaking family all walking and getting hype about nothing.hahabud overall, i bought a sling bag and a stripey shirt! i loooiikee! hehe. bag brown, shirt black+grey. ooooooooookkkkkkkkkk........!! some of the things from my shopping list is being cut off! haha. i can save money to buy another big and handy bag for skwel! heheee.. =DDDbdw, i am damn hungry dat todae. hmmmm....we went to have dinner at ZAM-ZAM. den i ate 2 big piece of LARGE murtabak, mee HOON and and mee goreng plus nasi goreang ikan bilis! haha. DAT many. haha. bits and pieces laa.. not one plate.. -_-" haha. now, im thirsty. its 11. 30 sharp bud im realli sleepy. heh. long daeeee.... =)i cant wait for wed to excited. are you?
what we could have been, 7:14 AM.
todae's lesson!WHAT THE HECK! less than 10 ppl came siaaaaaaaaaaa!! 3 classes, less den 10 ppl came yoe! i mean seriously laaaaaaaa! the lecturer also lyk heck care laa. sit at the staff room doing nothing oso. crazy! i paint my butt out yesterdae bud at least i don hav watercolour to think about. ease my burden abit. hehee. and sooooooooooooo, me, faj and jun zhu kill tyme at bugis junction to wait for our frens to arrive. haha.
me and faj. alwaes the same shirt when we're taking picss.. haha hmmm.. XDD
jun zhu putting on make up!!! hehee. =)
artistic, n0? XDD
k den,i met my crazy fren , hanan,at ard 4. haha. he's, h0w shuld i sae dis, CRAZY! i can laugh till my stomache hurts wen im wit him. -_-"den after 3 hrs of waiting, we met with my another fren, masturah. so we immediately went to a volunteer place called 4PM, at bed0k for a briefing about ushering. haha. den again, im still veri VERI new to this kinda casual volunteer stuff sooooo... see wad im capable of laa. bud the problem is my parents! wad the!!!??hey im 19 oready lei dis yr!! wahla0! lyk, i told them where im going den with hu and dat im late, lyk, cannot meh? dey don trust me? wad the!?? HEY 19 LEII! NINE-TEEN! going to be 20 soon ynoe! helloooooo!!
haiyooo! wad a life! -__-""
k l0rrr. tmr g0t work! hav to be there at 8 ynoe! die! -_-"
what we could have been, 8:00 AM.
ive been painting water colour hmwk since morning and the dae before.i still hav one more to go. im so sick of it dat i became so crazy and my bro became the victim!wah! seriously, my back is killing me! ok. heres wad i meant by "crazY" haha!
art is meant to be fun. in a lot of various ways. it is also fun to release stress lyk wad i did! haha ^-^
what we could have been, 3:43 AM.
last charcoal lesson! im so saaaddd... i love love love loveee charcoal leyy.. heh. nvm. can still do at hm. heh. a4 siza. wad shall i draw ar? hmmm i wonder.. heh
k anw,todae lots and lots and and lots of pictures were taken. k n0t LOTS and LOTS laa.. bud many. hehe.and todae i bought new cardigan! black one! white kena stain wit ink panting so dun wan to hav white animore. haha. todae we hav make up classes for charcoal lesson.. veri fun! altho theres s0me misunderstandings among ppl, overall the dae was fun. class, Xian was making alot of trouble. heh. he make alot of fuss! i can show u the video. haha! damn funny laa! he's lyk making a fool out of himself. haha. k anw, after class we went to vivo to take pics pics for our digi media. wah! walk to the max walk one eyy.. haha. bud alryt laa. heh. k here's the pics. XD
the sea at nyt. nice ryyyyt. =D
flower. flower. theres no pink ryt?
wah sumathi emo todae..
bef0re departureee.. still at bugis junction. heh
here at vivo oready. hehee
ppl ppl! candy candy empireee!!! i lyyykk! XDXDDD
ah dis ball 0f flower i lyk leyy! i want to bring hm can?
by the sea side... hehe. looks lyk sumathi loner huh? haha
we went hm not dat late ar bud ok.. had a gd tyme. heh. altho im quite sad..heh
to whom it may concern,
i trust the daes we spent together were purely from our innocent heart.
the smiles the laughters the praises that we get from each other.
it means something dat we can share among only us.
try to be more mature and sensible about all this
individual have their own views
their own thinking of how the situation may affect them
but one hav no right to sae dat another is lyk dat.
the only wae out is to behave lyk adults
no ones at fault. no ones a victim or a bad person.
wen ppl are overcomed wit their emotions more den anythg,
they tend to be a little bit aggressive
sensative in a wae.
being lyk the old tymes are really heartwarming
veri full of happiness and purity
study and friendship are tw0 different thgs.
two veri different things.
alot of emotions and thoughts are put in.
no one starts a friendship without sincerity in them
whatever happens, happens for a reason
be it good or vice versa,
we have to accept it with an open heart
receive it with sincerity and believe in one self
we live, we do not lyk to make other ppl feel burdened or disturbed.
born into this world is a blessing
and we shuld cherish and alwaes make other ppl including ourselves
happy with whatever thing we do
talking from xperience,
i personally think dat in this case, its realli a veri light thing.
the mindset of a person is really powerful
dats what make ppl do irrational things just because they follow their mid
and not wad their heart tells them to do.
put ur palm over ur heart.
what do U want?
do u want this to happen?
do u lyk all these?
do u think u made the right thing?
are there anyone that d0esnt care for u?
what does all these make u feel?
do u enjoy it??
what can u do to prevent it?
do u seriously think that ur reaction will not make other ppl suffer?
do u seriously think u're at fault?
try to ask those questions to urself.
im not siding with anione.
im not blaming anione.
lyk old tymes.
altho we just met and noe each other.
im not. im not dat kind of person.
im sorrie. i cant be of enuf help..
try to think it over.
what we could have been, 7:33 AM.