Friday, February 29, 2008
guess wad guyss..? I GOT 2 DAMN D's FOR MY PATHETIC WATER COLOUR LORR! I HAV TO RE DO EVERYTHING LEYY! wah! realli dissapointed! actualli not realli ar cuz i don lyk water colour dat much soooo... ok lor! wad realli the surprise me is dat, i got a B in one of them! im so damn heppie laa! haha. keh keh kehhhh.. XDDD. ok! nvm i redo two water colour paintings its ok. bottles. opague and and transparent one. ITS O.K! haha. den nxt term, i hav printmaking and and oso ACRYLIC!! heheheheee. so happie laa me! its somethg i lyke! hehee =DD! k anw, tmr, if everything's going as plan, im going JB! =D to mit my grandpa. heh. den tue we going photographing and shoppinggg! i hav alot alot of thgs to buy, so little money and tyme! haha ^-^
ah bdw, i lost my specs at hm! wad the heck laa! now i am ly, veri veri close to the compt cuz i cannot see clearly. and just now, i was oso veri veri close to the tv and my mom shouted at me! haha! gilaa! heh.
i cannot find it anywhere laa seyy! haiyoo! -_-""
what we could have been, 7:22 AM.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
haha. its been a damn long tyme since i went to the skwel library. HA-HA! lyk, realli laa.. heh.XDden i realli am uncertain as to what my career can be after my graduationin 2010! serious shyt punyer arr. heh. k i am rethinking of REtaking my ) level maths nxt yr.. along wit my frens!ESTHER PUAH! U BETTER TEACH ME TILL I PASS AR! I DON CARE HOR! haha. i was also thinking of keeping this "retaking maths o level thingy" a secret from my family. so wen i pass, i can break the gd news to them laa.. heheheee.. XD best kn.. dat is IF i pass laa kn.i don think im ready to retake it dis yr cuz i wanna get my Driving Licence lyk, wanna finish it up this yr. den secondly, im nt mentally prepared for the whole retaking it. i scared dat at hm, i wont be able to be hardworking enuf to PRACTICE my math. and and i scared dat i wont get any coaching done properly.heh.wah! realli stressful. heh
what we could have been, 11:42 PM.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
i reached home ard 8 todae. i had to ask some stuff from ARron about the photoshop thingyy. heh. and guess wadddd??? we will be learning to make NAME CARDS! AND POST CARDS OF OUR ARTWORK ON THE POSTCARD ITSELF LAA SEYY! okok best best. and anddd we are making our own website. not personal, but for ppl to view my shitty artworks. haha. lame. so i guess no one;s gonna visiting my website den ryt? haha. k anw, todae's trip was kind sorta dissapointing. cuz the first gallery dat we went to, the paintings were realli out of point! there were loads of 'em and all of them were in the same damn colours used! wad the heck! haha. and its abstract. i LOVE abstract art bud th0se paintings are S0 not my cup of tea artworks. u cant even see the ppl/humans properly at the paintings. the title of each artwork are lyk realli a repetition of the same thing only the painting and the way the artist put it in a different wae dat makes the artwork different. wahh! realli. i think anione hu's interested to see, i can bring u guys there and den u guys will noe wad i mean! its realli a headache sia. haha. BUT! i realli veri the heppie cuz another LOCKED SECURITIED gallery that a chinese artist paints with ink poainting, oil painting and western art together, is realli realli REALLI cooooooooooool! veri nice! dats a MUST SEE gallery. 0nly, u hav to get an appointment to see the gallery. the place is lyk sacred. veri nice paintings! i love it! every one of it! realli inspires me sia this guy! heh. XDXDDDD. he inspire VAN GOUGH, i inspire him in oil and ink painting! realli nice! k dats a bit t00 much "realli nice" i've been saeing. haha. den "dis one guy from my class", ruzaini, saed dat, theres dis painting dat he looked at it and he saed dat "IF HE HAD THE MONEY, HE'LL BUY THE PAINTING". the painting is not that big. its around a little bit bigger den an a4 bud definitely smaller den a3 size wood. veri niceeee! =D. he saed dat the painting gives him the tranquility feeling. serenity, calmness and peacefulness. i agree with him. it IS calm and veru gd to look at. he also added," DEN IF U ARE STRESS AND MESSED UP, JUST THINK OF THIS PAINTING AND U WILL FEEL RELAXED ALREADY"haha. i totally agree wit him for once there. =))))
bud overall, the trip was not a waste as i expected it after the first gallery. haha.
from kampong ubi, ART RETREAT gallery, we ate and actualli were late for ARron's class and end up taking the TAXI cuz its already 3.20 and the bus havent reached yet. haha. realli hectic sia todae.XD bud we had fun!
the pics, i'll upload another dae. so wait for it, ara so?? =D hehee
what we could have been, 8:02 AM.
Monday, February 25, 2008
why d0 i feel this way? trembling. crying. suffocating. unknowingly thinking of u alwaes. am i going nuts? i think so..let me just collect the memories that we had spend person. i hate it. flase hope false dreams. to others, i am too gd. to only him, im bad. wad the heck? haha.. xD................. theres nothing inside of me. HEH. i noe its different ang unlykly of me to be lyk dis. i shock myself. pls help. tell ms wads wronggg.. im so sad.. heh.=)
nowadaes, im lazy to put pics on my blog. haha. no tyme ar darlsss..heh. alwaes assignments. heh. k anw, just n0w, OH MY G0D! im damn seriously shit nervous laa kn! we had to talk about our artwork in front of the class while the lecturer records it. wah piang eyy! ppl can n0e dat im realli veri nervous seyyyy... paisey si0t! haha. the nyt before, i slept at 3 in the morning! haha. doing complimentary studies projek! AT LEAST wen i present it, it was worth while. the lecturer accepted it. IT IS alot of work ynoeee... and i used up ALOT of money for just that project alone. and and somemore, tmr, THEY SAED hav digital media siaaaaa... havent d0ne anything yet and havent finished the unfinished work from previous works. and and from last week's lesson, i was sick and didnt noe or heAr wad the hell the teacher was talking about. about this this, MONTAGE thingyyy... arghhh im going crazyy! AH! but the best thing is, at 12 n00n tmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, we're going to a PRIVATE MUSUEM! at eun0s! ynoe wad dat meanssss??? IT MEANS I CAN SLEEP LATE AND AND WAKE UP LATE! -_-" since its s0 nearrr. hahahaaha! XD.lately, ive been lyk, LOVE to go to museums, and look at artworks! WAH! I CANT WAIT! I CANT WAIT LAAAAAAA CAN! hhahaha. =DDDD
what we could have been, 6:15 AM.
Friday, February 22, 2008
what we could have been, 6:31 AM.
wad the FUCKAHNENEH!? no future ke per ako niiikkkkk! KNNCCB! stupid bloody mathS! wahhhh! baek ar kena masok NIE teaching kena at least ader 5 0 levels credits laa kn. den klao nk masok jadik malay teaching, kena ader 5 0 jgk den all total up must get below 20! wad the neneh hell is going 0nnn~! alar. jadik curator? HAHAHA. mcm klakar gitu kn! wad the heckkk! don lyk laa... got two choice! REtake math or curator! RETAKE MATHS!!!!???? WAKAKAKAKAKAKAAKAKAKAKAAKAKAKAKA! u make me laugh ar. haha. E8 yn0eeee... TWICE! haha. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHHAHAAH! bloody hell! buang2 duet jek pi retake. actualli duet bpk ako ar bud dats not the point now is it! haha.
k shuddup!
think positive? in think NOT! haha k bye
what we could have been, 1:58 AM.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
8 months. dats the longest. haha. dats h0w long we had been together. i miss those daes. heh. i realli do. =) den again, i d0n want it to noe dat wad i do is the only reason why i did wad i did.. haisss.. thinking bout it and it makes me wanna cryy.. huhuu. heh XD just for it, the first tyme ever i cried for an it. haha. im pitiful arent i. haha. i think i am. heh. the wae it saes if im ok wen im sick. coughing all the wae. the wae it look at me and ask. the tyme we spent together wen it walk home with me. don care the tyme. don care the wae ppl see. its just it and and me. heh. those were the daes wen it had to be me to sae the secret pathetic words. its alwaes been me. theres a reason. alwaes had been. dats y im realli realli paiseyy to be saeing all these bullshits wen im the one hu saed those secret pathetic words. had i been harsh on it? i guess so. it stay quiet and untold. didnt whine, didnt frown. it just smile at me lyk his usual self. haha. dats it to me.. =D
what we could have been, 7:06 AM.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
yeaaahhh! been a long tyme since i've blogged huh? haha anw, guess wad? im sick! not in the head but i hav sore throat and i juast recovered from fever! wah! okk.........its been a long long tyme since i'd gotten sick sia. haha. k anw, todae my drawing was yuckidy yuckidy YUCK! haisss.. heh. and and i ate alot todae! HAHAHA. -_-" i meet up with my old old old old old,(he's not old laa) fren. my pri skwel fren.! hehe. his name is H.A.K.A.M! ^-^. he's gotten kuruser now. haha. almost didnt recognise him dere and and i thot he'd be much much taller den me in pers0n. 0h well. at least he IS taller den me. hehee XD and i had a gd tyme ^-^assignments are.. really ARE getting near! WAH PIANG EYYY! really d0nn0e wad t0 d0 siaa. haha. realli slacking seyy. heh. n dis coming tue, im going to a PRIVATE MUSEUM! and and we hav n0 skwel 0n dat dae. =D wah best! we will assemble at eun0s there.. heheee. tak sabar. it reminds me 0f those daes wen i was young wen we had those little little field trips. so cuuute! hehee. k anwww... g0tta cha0! heh
what we could have been, 5:59 AM.
Friday, February 15, 2008
haha he's short and cute and wear baggy bigggggg pants to work! XD
so heppie to meet my cute guy t0dae. haha. ANW, todae is another normal walk walk dae. haha. didnt do anything for watercolour class! BLURGH! just slacking laa kn. haha s0 aniwaesssssss... i g0t photos f0r todae. ^-^

what we could have been, 7:10 AM.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
wen i reached skwel t0dae, its s0 kecoh laa kn. haha. every0ne was lyk "happy valentines daY!"2 haha. i received presents f0r the first TYME in hist0ry of myy history history! XD from JUN and and GAYLIE! ^-^ and als0! i learnt h0w to make a heart! the 0ne with the straw2 thingyyyy! ahaha. i l000iiikkeee. hehee. =D
k anw, ppl seems d0wn dat they didnt get t0 celebrate valentines with their loved ones bud me?im just heppie that i have friends that i love! ^-^. hu needs guys wen i have lots of frens? XDi n0e im being biased.. haha. bud heck care laa. heh.=P
bdw, FAR' send me a valentines wish thru MSN wen im NOT online t0 me. called me "LOVE"? ur head ar! wad a coward! a guy is ALWAYS a guy. tw0 gerls, fickle? lyk i care! haha. at least IS' is better! at least he msged me at midnyt saying that HE th0t of me and and msged me! now THAT is sweet! heheee ^.^
ouh well! velentines will be 0ver soon enuf yah! haha. 24 hrs. wadever! =D
what we could have been, 1:24 AM.
Friday, February 08, 2008
amazingly surprisingly i don feel tired alot more then wad i'd expected it. 8 to 4.30, im working. den 6 to 12, to my aunt's house to celebrate my uncle's bdae! there was karaoke! there was! i was lyk, OMF! i hope they didnt pick me to sing yah and and sure they dont. damn dats close. tmr morning, the whole same procedure starts. bud after work im staying ryt at home ayte. the only thing i hate about the work im doing now, its that, its DIRTY work. and i mean it literally. i mean, i hav to wash dishes. ALOT ok! i still have quite some shopping things i want to buy.lyk,
a shirt. sneakers. slippers. sling beg. a white tight jeans. new black cardigan.
ahhhh chinjja! quite alot siaaa.. ah im not a bank. which i wish i were. dammit.and and i bawl otw home from my aunt place todae. i donnoe why the heck i did that! i hate myself so much! i realli do. very! i think i had my own deepest darkest reasons why. but i don wanna noe why. id rather not noe!
no way lyk hell im gonna go for it..
what we could have been, 7:47 AM.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
wah i spent spent spent todae! haha. went to the movies to see this totally unexpected movie! i didnt n0e it was M18, i didnt n0e it cruel and gross, and and and i didnt n0e it was that grues0me! errrgghh! ever heard of sweeney todD? yah dat one! eee yucks yucks! k anw, after that, we went bside the laot there.. to release our stress..take off everithing out of our mind for a while.. its realli relaxing.. hehee den den.. as we were ab0ut t0 walk away h0me, THERES FIREWORKS!! sugooiii yn0e! veri veri the c00l! i lyyyyykkk. ^-^ after the firew0rks, we walk h0me, [theres tonnes and lots of ppl, mind u.] and we squeeeezed our way out and tadah! went in the mrt and straight to pasir ris! hehe XD we ate f0r a while ar at mcd0nalds! heh. lapar bebbbbb! haha. i reached h0me ard 12. haha. -___-"" welllll.... erm.. skali skale? den tmr hav t0 wake up early. working! hehee. k den! till nxt tyme! ^-^
what we could have been, 8:30 AM.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
why. HAHA. why?? why do i even trust him! that bloody piece of shiiiiittt! ouh man! i realli make a fool out of myself yesterdae! KNN dat guy! make my blood go upstairs sia. waste my msges, waste my red blood cells thinking wad im gonna sae to him! shiiiiiiaaaaaattttT!! im s0 mad at myself now, i don think anione shud come near me. one dae i tell u.. one dae, he's gonna get it from me. or better yet, stab him and throw him out of a 70 story building! ok wait that wuld mean im a murderer. ok no. den wad CAN i do! bloody idi0tic serious SHIT! go hell sia dat guy. bleeeeaaaaaeeehhhhhaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
what we could have been, 7:50 PM.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
yo wassup ppl its CNY soooooooooonnn! hehe XD ready to be all red?? haha. WE are! as in me n my friends are! we are all decked in red for school todaeeeee! wanna see our B-E-A-U-tifulllllllll HOT red clothes?? hahahaaaa..
digital media was dammmmn confusing.....
this pic was rand0m......ruzaini was with us.. haha
hey! red redY us!
what we could have been, 6:57 AM.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
ON F-R-I-DAE! WAH! haha. me hidayah shima and fiza walk to skwel together laa seyy! im so delighted! its lyk old tymes! hehe XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD! hepie hepie. hehe. k anw, after my class,[which is boring 3d studies of water colouringssss!] we sit at the library and talk! haha. so gerek. hehe. after that, me and fiza, plus sumathi & estherJude, went to BUGIS STREET. nk shopping cket maaaaaaaa.. haha. bud den fiza gotta go. pi TM. and and so, we thrEe went on wit our journey to shop! heheeee. ^-^ bestnyerrrr. hehe. i bought white cardigan and and RED red sleeveless [quite] long shirt. heh. im n0w trying to wear bright coloured clothes. hahaaaa. k anw, after shopping, bef0re i join my mom, i ate at KFC where i met this one cute cute little little man at the cashier counter. and and sumathi and and esther were all " do u want me to get his n0. for u 0r not???" the kecoh. heh. anw, i joined my mom at TM and guess hu i met? FIZA! wahahahahhaa. wad a small world! heh. so cute. heh. anyh00000wwwwwwwwwwwwww....... here are pics from daes agoo.. hahaha.
3D class???
introducing a new member, IZWAN. haha
idiotic zhi Xian... XP
my fiza at libraryyyy..
not TOO attentively looking at the cam esther!
hehe. tehe monkeys we f0und in the library were so cute!
ahah! WE are cute too!! ^-^
my painting was shitty!
what we could have been, 7:57 AM.