Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Brown eyes and lungs are filled up with smoke
Fast lives are stuck in the undertow
But you know the places I wanna go
Cause oh oh oh
I've got a sickness, you've got the cure
You've got the spunk I've been lookin' for
And I've got a plan, we walk out the door
You know you wanna
Just let go
It's time to roll down the windows
Sing it oh oh
Yeah all we need so here we go
Turn it up
It's five minutes to midnight
You're coming home with me tonight
I can't get enough
Shakin' me up
Turn it up
Alright, at five minutes to midnight
You see our name in city lights
We'll make the clock stop
Make your heart drop and come alive
We could
Pack up and leave all our things behind
No fact or fiction or storyline
Cause I need you more than just for tonight
You're oh oh all I care
I can't stop my breathing in
I'm weak and you were my medicine
I won't stop till I am under your skin
You know you wanna
Just let go
It's time to roll down the windows
Sing it oh oh
Yeah all we need so here we go
Turn it up
It's five minutes to midnight
You're coming home with me tonight
I can't get enough
Shakin' me up
Turn it up
Alright, at five minutes to midnight
You see our name in city lights
We'll make the clock stop
Make your heart drop and come alive
And when the clock strikes twelve
Will you find another party go and kiss and tell?
Cause you know I never will
I think we should strike a match
We'll hold it to the wind to and see how long it lasts
We can make the time stand still
Turn it up
It's five minutes to midnight
You're coming home with me tonight
I can't get enough
Shakin' me up
Turn it up
Alright, at five minutes to midnight
You see our name in city lights
We'll make the clock stop
Make your heart drop and come alive
Turn it up
It's five minutes to midnight
You're coming home with me tonight
I can't get enough
Shakin' me up
Turn it up
Alright, at five minutes to midnight
You see our name in city lights
We'll make the clock stop
Make your heart drop and come alive
bdw, im going! im going pasir ris park todae.. overnyt.. gonna stay up late bebbbb! haha. all the memories wit mas wen pat park tu. pat pit munzir, azhfar, etc.wahhh.. sure bring back all the oh so gerek memories.. hehee. best nyerrrr. ^-^ now, its nearly 2 o'clock.. hmm.. maybe im going at 3? 3.30?? 4 perhaps...? haha. the lmbt the better sia. heh. tido pat tent! hehe. must take LOTS n LOTS of gmbr.. hOpe there is.. heh.! XD
what we could have been, 9:44 PM.

Lets101 - Dating Free Online
i found it! haha. it speaks most of my personality there.. heh.artistic keperrrrr. hahaha ^-^
what we could have been, 3:08 AM.
Monday, December 24, 2007
yesterdae kn..kiwak! punyer laa pnat! piker2 smlm nk pi JB laa kn.. tapi tk jadik! haiyooo.. dgn si paAn n azhfar. den aleh2 laa kn. ADE ORG LAA KN. tgh siap2 nk kat kluar, azhfar da tunggu pat sengkang interc, DE PEH PASSPORT DA XPIREDDDD!! wakakaka. bikin darah org uppppppp jek seyy. haha. confident siOt nk pi johor nk mkn laa, shoppin laa.. den tk jadik, atr last, pi compass point, jln2 den pi, aper name tmpt tu? samping?simpang? sempang? ahhh! yg tau yg pat bedok tuu.mkn2.. and and, klao nk dijadikn criter, AZHFAR KTER, yg blanjer! de kater, 'ON THE HOUSE' laa seyy!! hahahaha. den lpas mkn laa kn! ako nk terkencing, ako tahan.. den pat dlm bas, otw nk pi IkEa, rase mcm nk terkuncil seyy pat situ! kiwak! serious ako tkley tahan seyy. bus ride de.... VERI THE LONG LORRRRRR. mcm nk jitak jek kpale apek driver tu! hahahaaaa. abey smpai ikea,wahhhhhh sungguh the fast ako masok dlm toilet. hahha. k anw, ktorg pi IkEa, lagik 10 mins nk tutop. haha.carik punyer carik benda mas, smpai ktorg is the last few ppl saner! aper sajeee jek.lpas tu, tros balek ar. heh. >first tyme in my life ako pegi jln2 naek bas all the wae. haha. byk bas. many many bas.. heheee ^-^=============================================================da tu,mlm tu si mas plak, since mkbpk de balek the nxt dae tghari, which is todae, nk nk decorate, kemas umar de ar. so de mintak tlg ako ar.. dat tyme da kol brape seyy? den pukol braper seyy nk pi balek? haha. so tdo umar de ar. den pi airport, ambek mkbpk de,a.k.a, my uztazah&ustad ar. hehee. den balek, KEMAS MAHA MAHA MAHA KEMAS NYER SEYY! kol 5 baru tdo laa seyy! kol 8.30 bgn! mk aii! 3 1/2 hours jek ar tdo! maner cukop beb. tapi yg klakar tu, ako BLEY BANGON! haha. cume bgn tdo, bgn tdo nyer case ar. hahahaa.mampos!byk bende siOt nk kena buat! klao ako jadik mas, ako bley pengsan seyy! serious ar. keje all the wae seyy. saper mau layan! haha. the nxt dae, pi airport, wahhhh! touching moment laa beb. pelok ciom ar seyy! mcm nk nanges pn ader. sbab sumue safely return.. hehee. balek, pi central, ako SEMPAT BELIK KASOT! hahaden pi umar mas balek. lpas tu, since ader mkn2 cket, dok ar kejap, maen chess, maen stress ngn due2 bradek tu, due2 ako menang! wakakaka. aper sajeerrr jek laa. heh. skg nik, mater mcm beraaaaaat gitu kn. ngntok ar beb. heh. 3 h 30 min jek tdo! maner cukop!haha. wokey den!>AH! bdw, farhan peh frenster-admirer bagik ako msg thru frenster... haiyoo bdak kecik tu. hehk laa. ^-^THEEND.
what we could have been, 1:35 AM.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
two different worlds. my appa's side and my omma's side. two veri different family. especially in communication. bud im much more comfortable in my appa's side although we had some probs of our own. omma's side is all cool and outgoing bud i hate how my older cousins speak. just cuz they're cleverer and older, doesn't mean they're much better than i am. people do hav flaws ynoe. k anw, im being all bored and and i wanna let u noe that we are having a FAMILY PIT on the 29th to 30th! hehehee. my paman, paman adam, organise. heh.
me: paman! christmas dae ktorg ader pit per?paman: no. on...the... 29. ermmm.. until the next day, ooook.... paman: at pasir ris park. we overnight. u want to sleep, don sleep, tonggang terbalek dere, oso can.i laughed and looked at syasya's face and asked: knaper de ckp english nik aleh2??cus de RARELY ckp eng sia. i mean, his eng is not dat gd, slalu broken nyer. haha.and den he asked: so hows my eng? is it gd?(for all the time im talking to him, he speaks in a british accent's!)me: ouh well, ynoe....(also in the british accent's) its pretty gd! better then usual of cors!ahaha mrepek siak. tk pasal2 ckp eng gitu mcm. heh. ^-^bdw, ari nik, hujan ptg2. it seems that i hav to go to central mlm ar since to check my appa's side of the family's, which is my aunt, amati, to check HER account balance. hehh. aper da.. -_-"
what we could have been, 12:25 AM.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
haha. best kn best kn. sembelih kambinggg. haha. although it was not fun as i thot it would.. bud still,,,ader at least SOME fun occasions.. wanna noe wad it is?? haaa.. let me blg u all kk.. heh. tadii kn..other den menyambot hari raye haji kn kn knnn.. kter celebrate anniversary makBpk ako pn! WAKAKAKA. potong kek, suap-menyuap, disuroh cium! waduh! mrepek siOT! hahaha. kekek ar siallll. haha. k anw, AKO DPT BAJU BARU! heheheeee ^-^. belated bdae ako. heh. dis yr, hari raye haji buat pat umar ako.. so ako tk yah ler pakai baju lawa2 knnnnn.. dok umar perrrr. heh. den umar kecOh da satu hal. bilek gue BERSERAK beb! kwang kwang kwanggggggg~. heh. ANYWAY! these were the pics taken todaeee.. hehe njoy! ^-^

what we could have been, 9:40 AM.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
pnat siot ako hari nik. haha. kmas maha kmas nyer sey. its still a mystery though how i can put up wit all the back-pain n laziness for todae. haha. maklumlaaaaaaaaa bsok kn RAYE! hehee XD soooooo, kenduri pat umar ako dis yr. heh heh hehhhh.. ^-^ best kn? tkyah kluar? tapi knnnn. nnti ako kena cuci piring laa, KUALI especialli. kiwak! mati siOt ako! haiss... and and nnti berserak laa bilek akoooo! ok. rilekkkk. berserakkn, rase jek penampar ako! MUAHAHAHA. k evil. alarrrr. go wit the flow ar beb. heh. =)
what we could have been, 8:11 AM.
Monday, December 17, 2007
AAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH!im gonna die waiting! k bedek ar bud still! kater mondae mondae. MONDAE kpale hotak de ar! cacat peh bodo bahlol! geramnyerrrr. haha. ok. aniwaeeeeeeeeeee i didnt feel gd todae. lots of thot. again! heh. AH! i want to go iceskatinggg..its lyk my deathlist. ynoe.. the thgs u want to do b4 u die? DAT deathlist. hehee. i've been craving for it for quite a long tyme now. haha. my thots are getting to me. heh. im getting weaker n weaker by the dae. y ar?heh.. mayb i am gonna die soon enuf. heh.
what we could have been, 8:14 AM.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
15.1107.was an interesting dae. heh. ako pi pit! haha. klao nk dijadikkn criterr.. mlm fridae ako overnyt pi umar mas, den the nxt morn, ktorg pi lavender KONONnyer nk pi carik kejer pat lavender SEA building sanerrr. den den nk DIJADIKKN SUSPENSE, tmpat tu DA TUTOP LAA SEYY! saturdae, half dae ler. aper siaaa. k da tu, buat muker slambe kambing, pi jln blakang, nk pi mkn pat beach road ar.. nasi ayam pat saner 2.50 perrrr. and and ayam de byk! haha. tapi ktorg bedal kulit de jek ar. wakaka. k anw, lpas mkn, pi smbhyg pat masjid, den pi bugis.. jln dari beach road all the wae pi bugis junction.. k tk kesah ar jln.. mcm da biase kn. so den, ako belik baju, mas belik cardigan, den ktorg proceed pi jumper AIZAH!^-^ pat TM. heh. den teman de mkn, ako mkn cocktail! mmmm.. sdap sdap! hehee. k TKDEabey, lpas pi TM, jln2 sbab TM kn da baru..baru fers tyme smlm ako pi TM tgk lapas renovation.. heh. balek dari TM, pi umar ako, den smbhyg asar ngn maghrib dulu, baru laa ako berangkat pi umar mas, tarok barang2 ako,(ako tdo umar de lagik) den tukar baju tros kluar ar. nk pi pit. ako kol2 si pak han, tk dpt. nk kat kluar baru de kol. alang2 seyy. k anw, de blg ar wad pt no. and all, den me n mas jln pi ar. BUD! the bad news is, pat saner, sepatotnyer ader pmpn tapi tkde ar beb! kekek. SATU PN . which meanssss.. ako ngn mas jek ar pmpn pat saner. wakaka. tapi ako ngn mas plan, klao tkde pit pn, ktorg pi saner nk njoy view n angin jekk. heheheee. dorg peh pit hujung siOt! haha. yg sbelah spiderweb saner. heh. k tkepr. ako ngn mas jln ar. otw pi, maen buay laa. maen ngn mainan bdak2 kecik laa. nk release pnat beb. heh. dat tyme ard.. 9 +? 10? kter stay saner smpai kol 2 ar beb. smpai umar kol 3. wakakaka. tk penah2 dlm hidop ako balek umar smpai kol 3 pagi. heh. tapi bukan pi maner2. pi pasir ris park. tk kesah ar. heh. yg best, dok pat tepi laot saner, bebual2. heh. dorg2 pat saner sumue gerek! its smthg dats out of the ordinary. munzir, especially. heh. =)pat umar, da smpai, goreng telor, mkn ar abey!jln marathon beb! mcm maner agaknyer si pak han ngn ashfar patah balek lpas antar ktorg eyy.confirm kaki da mcm jelly! baekkk.. smoge sehat laa yekk. hahaha.kte due tros tdo lpas mkn. dlm kol 4 pagi. haha. tgk criter hindustan siOt. kekek ar mas. haha.and so, itu laa criter akO! panjang tk? panjang kn kn knnnn? hehe.betul betul betull. haha. all i can sae is its a one heck of a nyT! ^-^ heh
what we could have been, 8:39 PM.
Monday, December 10, 2007
tgk wyg lagik. heh. tapi ngn sawiyah. pat PS jgak. tgk tattooist. hehee ^-^. criter bes laa seyy! fers2 part amek pat SINGAPORE. theres geylang, the merlion, haha. surprising and and somewad weird? heh. k anw, it was last min wen she told me to go out. bud its cool. =). criter de gerek ar bebbbbb. geli bud gerek. heh. the main character hensem! heheee =D after the movie den mkn, den jln2 skejap, den balek lorr. ader ke sawiyah nk pi VIVO? kiwak. tkde tyme laa seyy. heh. well, dats about all. nothing much todae tho. -_- THEEND.
what we could have been, 7:02 AM.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
todae? hmm..
ah ako pi tgk wyg! dgn farhan! tgk HITMAN! pat PS! haha. baru skg nk tgk eyy. haha. klakar ar.nk tauuu?? criter de best. altho ader scenes yg disturbing cket,bud overall, ok beb! more to the klakar to me. haha. den pat dlm tuu, sejooook siOt! heh.
it was fun. ^-^ heheee. jalan jalan carik makaannnn. ayuh temaannnn! wakakaka! k ako da start mrepek laa kn. heh.den balek dlm kol 10 lebih?? haha. bley tahan ar. at least tk smpai kol 12 kn? heh on occasions jek ar. heh XD
what we could have been, 8:01 AM.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
toilet pasir ris park. ard..lets c.. 12am..^-^ ^-^yest, sleepover pat umar mas. hahagerek.kol 9 lebih, pi pasar mlm WS laa konon. n den, pi pasir ris parkk . dok tepi laot, mkn burger ramlee.wakaka. belik mknan mcm nk pegi berkelah. padahal, PADAHAL! hahaa. pat saner smpai kol 12 lebih. den balek, tgk criter aquamarine&seniman bujang lapok smpai pukol 4. aper daa. haha.bgn kol 6.30. . . 2 and a halfhours jek tdo, den lpas smbhyg, tdo balek, bgn pukol 10 lebih.abey continue tgk criter seniman bujang lapok! wad the! hee.kekek ar. tinggal ngn kwn gerek. heh.k anw, pi mandik, tukar baju, balek umar den tukar baju lagik, den den pi kluar balek.pi bugis plak ngn my sdare(s) heh. da laa hujan! all dae sia. hais.. wad a dae! it was some xperience tho. heh =)bud. biler balek dari bugis tadi, rase lonesome. hee.aleh2 plak kn. mood changes fast, don dey? hehk laa.THEEND.
what we could have been, 5:40 AM.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
im feeling down.ders dis thg wit my fren.n den he told me bout smthg. n den im in no mood. bud i kept it in. trying to be hepie and and smiley. maybe leaving him is a bad idea. i hope im wrong. i hopee so. well, he didnt do anythg extreme or wadever..bud it keep getting to me dat someone close is doing somethg lyk dat. im not mad or upset or angry or anythg. just.. just concern.bud i tink i'll keep trying. i will. so i'll stay normal. normal as ever. as ever can be!i cant stay normal. ok .bud i'll try! i just hope he doesnt change. rapidly. i hope he noes how to balance lyf n after everythg is under full of "i hope-s".
what we could have been, 7:06 AM.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
haha.dats my 14-yrOld cuzin..heh. she tinks lyk an adult!i mean, mayb its cuz she's alwaes around older ppl dats y.hehe. perhaps.maybe. hu noes! hahah!k anw, went to my granny's place earlier first it was quite den it bcame hectic.i wonder wen else are we gonna go an outing together.heh.must be waeeee coooooooool dat IF we are to go to a picnic.there wuld be games.crazy games. for us all. ouh man!its totalli veri absolutely fun fun fun fun fun funnnnn!!haha ^-^THEEND.
what we could have been, 7:57 AM.