Sunday, September 30, 2007
the sKy so hiGh up..
hidden truth.
it makes me feel warm inside dat (SOME)ones cared.
bud it also breaks my heart dat i donnoe wad to tell.
trying so hard to sae it. cant.
i hav to tell someone.
at least a thg. to me.
the ppl(person) i tink CAN be frens cant even bother to try,
why shuld i ryt?
some thgs are just not meant to be heard.
u noe wad?
i am not being truthful to myself since the dae we are together.
i had mixed thots about him. and myself.
so now, i tink i want to try and giv it a go.
bud I noe dat even if i sae " gonna giv it a try..", i still don feel same wae he did.
so wads the point?
i donnoe wad to feel animore.
the ones im hoping for wont come.
bud bud the ones im NOT hoping for came and even beCAME a part of me.
wad the hell?
im realli not hepie or shuld i sae, ecstatic about all dis.
just by saeing im gonna "..giv it a go.." makes me wanna puke.
i think im gonna be sick.
i realli don hav the ryt to sae dis bud i cant help it.
wad is it to me??
i cant be thinking lyk dis. i cant. serious shuldnt hav.
wow. im stress. heh.
what we could have been, 5:17 AM.
Friday, September 28, 2007
fers dae of printmaking.
i thot she's wad others saed she is.
bud den. she's not...
wad the?
ok anw. the class is fun. bud we had to rush thgs.
dats y mcm MEMENATkn laa kn. haha
wanna noe wad?
i woke up at 9 and i didnt went for POH LENG'S class, instead, wen i reached skwel,
i wait for dem outside the class, take pics of myself.
WAKAKA! wad the?? heh
nostalgia KONON!
wad the?
what we could have been, 9:22 AM.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
haha. i just get in the wae..
the water tastes FINE!
todae? hmm..
im being a gd gerl todae..
i do my hmwk, i walk dere walk here, doing my hmwk!
BUD DEN! tmr class starts at 9! ouh god!
ngantook! malasnyer nk bangon! haiyoO!
den.. 3 hrs break.. pi print gmbr.. den,
looking forward to it..
sinister siak.
anw, 2nd dae ** puase..
what we could have been, 8:00 AM.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
todae i went to the museum.. ASIANS CIVILISATIONS MUSEUM.(ACM)
fers tyme pegi beb. GEREK! hahaha
we had to make a report.
so, i make a report about islam!
veri veri nice box! heh.
its veri interesting..
the place is damn cool.
especially the diff types of written jawi on the Quran..
GOLD! splendid! haha.
anw, fri we had to pass the report up.
so gotta continue doing the report tmr at the library..
n the fact dat i got to noe dat i cant puase tk lame lagik make me feel much worse!
cpat nah dtg! giler aper?
heh. kk!
HAHAHA! its my photography thingy!!
damn fun fun FUN!
gonna make smthg as much as lyk this, bud more nicer n better,
with more thgs, nxt tue!
what we could have been, 8:33 AM.
Monday, September 24, 2007
ahaha. mas marah badui dtg lmbt!
mine's NOT the purple one..
tired faces no? ahaha.
todae was a memorable dae indeed?
n its all thnkx to our dear ABdul HAnan! haha
we, me, mas, (new fren)farhan & hanan,went out to break fast at geylang..
one thg, dey are late till dere are no places at PAsar GEylang saner..
heh. den, HANAN decided, saeing,"jom ar, belik mknan den mkn pat bawah blok.
so we all sae, "ok ar"..randomly.
den we bought wad we need to buy..
ps: sumue belik makanan yg samer..HAHA
den, we proceed to the bawah blok..
da dudok, baru satu2 ckp,
" mak paisey sark mkn pat bawah blok!"
"ni fers tyme ako mkn pat bawah blok tao"
i cant stop laughing! damn funni. hahaha
the fun doesnt stop there!
i TOTALLY forgot wheres tanjong katong complex is..
so i told hanan to ask for directions from an uncle selling thgs..
wen they ask, bukan uncle tu blg the directions..
cannot carry sia!
padahal dpan mater siak! wakaka
anw, we went to SHOP & SAVE to buy drinks..
n unexpectedly,
farhan n hanan each bought for us(mas n me) chocolates each!
wad the? padahal todae was the FERS TYME i met farhan.. haha
we were damn shocked sia!
farhan: toblerone
hanan: kinder bueno
wow! ahaha.
so cuuUTe! hehe ^-^.
a memorable adventure indeed! hehehe.
it was nice. heh.
what we could have been, 8:22 AM.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
ahaha. its just wad we are..
just me n my bro..
pose MAOTnyer nik.
my CUTE CUTE little bro!!
"CHARMING" isn't it? haha!
it isn't a bad thg having idiotic bros..haha
anw, tmr is the start of the new millennium!
mcm phm!
i mean, start skwel of the new TERM.
gonna start bzness!
what we could have been, 8:16 AM.
Friday, September 21, 2007
after i came to my senses yesterdae,i throw a tantrum towards him.i cant control myself.maybe its for the better?yeah. OF CORS IT IS!i feel sick thinking of it.waste my tears all these yrs.todae at work, i felt lyk as if the world is going to head kept spinning ard.wen im walking, wen im standing, even wen im sitting!i hate thinking about it.feels lyk i want to go to the shout loudly. throwing my frustrations along wit the relax my mind..he's not replying. and i don intend to msg him either.bud he did. suddenly.he's so patient.he's so pure dat i culd crush him to death!it makes my heart hurts. i hate him!and there was iskandar..he came b4 him..bud i cannot help myself bud to reject him.bud den, nw, he misunderstand me n is taking himself somewhere else..i WANT dat to happen bud.bud i don wan to make use of others dats y its for the better.its hard. veri hard.try being someone lyk me. u cant cope.being someone hu NOEs wads about to happen nxt and andwad others are thinking! i noe all dat too well!i cant deny dat i hated it. bud sometymes it annoys me dat i cant read wad the other is thinking. a person dat i want to noe wad they're thinking n yet i cant!a piece of thrash. just take it away.
what we could have been, 8:41 AM.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
wadever the resason.
i think i noe. just mayb.
cuz i donnoe i can be myself animore ard u.
i broke a promise.
the promise i make to myself b4 it all happens.
bud i still go ahead wit it. why?
i cannot let u suffocate just wen i noe the fault is mine.
in fact, i broke another promise!
why cant i just live alone?
why cant i be a lonesome person for the rest of my life?
so dat i wont be hurting anione else?
i don care. i'll live for the sake of myself.
i'll do anithg, wadever it takes, to be alone.
without frens, without a family.
pretend everithg's ok?
argh. wad a joke!
ppl laugh, feel disgusted just by looking at it.
n wad do u think it makes me feel?!
bud i HAV to live wit it all my life!
wad am i suppose to do wit it?
mock me! just throw me into the thrash! wad the hell!
i don care animore!
its so painful. my heart feels lyk its been squeezed hard.
i want to just run away!
as far as i my legs culd carry me.
to be alone. to be with myself.
bud to no avail.
dis is reality. i cant seem to hide it.
bud they donnoe me. the REAL me.
wad i HAV and and wad i own!
its so shameful n its full of disgust!
i hate it! i hate dem!
what we could have been, 7:50 AM.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
tired. quite tired.a little tired.veri tired.THEEND.
what we could have been, 9:52 AM.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
the PASAR GEYLANG twins..heh
cutenyer bdak nik!
ahaha. fun.
todae, veri tired liao.heh.
tmr i need to go to johor..
teman ammati.
waduh! ako da pnat. k tkper laa.
apaper la eyy.
what we could have been, 8:37 AM.
Monday, September 17, 2007
new blogskin! hehe
BUD THERES PINK! alar cket jek knnn..hehe
i STILL hate pink tho..
anw,i learnt to change the blogskin, thanks to
heheeee.. yeahhh! ^_^
its mon n i'll be working till fri.. i think.
heh. so heppie! heh
ps: fawwaz. so sorrie dear..
what we could have been, 7:21 AM.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
oh goOdness ppl!its the end of dae 1 and at work todae,i feel damn weak.ok not DAT weak ar. bud lemah.. a bit! heheanw, 29 daes b4 raye n another 1 wk to work!ouh wad a dae.i cannot go out wit my wAz..hee. mcm phm. hehanw, i think skwel's gd.. gd. gd. gd!THEEND.
what we could have been, 6:06 AM.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
todae was fun!
the 2 hrs for each 15 mins in submitting our work was worth it!
wanna noe wad happened?
we get to noe merc's, hus real name is Zul, clan! i mean clique!
there was TAufan, FArhan(black cardigan), etc etc.
dey are much MUCH fun den the LUQman's claN! i mean clique!
first we played taitee.
den BERAMAI-ramai maen HEART ATTACK!
it was damn funni. it involves dares actuali. heh
anw, theres alot of tymes where MERC n CARDIGAN sat next to me!
i mean lyk' wOw'! ahaha.
it was fun. realli. fun & funni! hehe
AH! tmr first dae puase!!
aahh~! cpat banget deh!
and and! wadever! heh.
what we could have been, 8:25 AM.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
my WAz gave me dis edible thg on my table..
im so hepie! n shocked n speechless at the same tyme.
its huge. its large. ok not the normal size of the NORMAL size..
not making ani sense here bud wadever it is, im still hepie..
im too careful not to open it..haha.
anw, todae's assignment dae went well..
i think.
i mean. its bullshit to stay 2 freaking hrs for everi 15 mins we hand in the work.
ok anw, it was worth it. it culd see MErc doing a DARE made by his frens!
damn funni. he's so cool n suave..
i mean, "wOw"! heh. muker selambe kambing siak.
what we could have been, 8:51 AM.
Monday, September 10, 2007
i finished ALL my assignments!
im so hepie i culd die laughing!
wakaka. k bluff bluff!
anw, todae evening.......
i finished my last assignment!! hehe
k tu tk perlu..
ah bdw, to ABdul HAnan..
sorie beb kter terluper ur bdae..
i noe its dis mth per.
i wished u WAE b4hand..
anw, be merry n cherish everi moment ayte..
what we could have been, 7:26 AM.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
pic of the dae. heh
todae? todae.... hmm.
well basically i didnt go or perhaps, didnt STEP out of the house!
im realli doing nothg todae..
cuz i wanna watch HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! wuuuhuu!!
yeah! hehe.
the movie was fun. in fact, deres, HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OF FIRE and and
BRUCE ALMIGHTY showing. all at the same TYME!
den mlm2 gosok kaen! wakaka.
tk penah2 ader kot. heh
what we could have been, 8:48 AM.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
my assignments, i mean..i mean, realli! its kinda, SORTA fun to keeps me busy all dae.hehei lyk to be bz..hehespecially art. ok not exactly.bud still. it makes me smyle. hehei noe i am weird.hehi lyk to do it..heheand and did i mention dat i enjoy doing them?ok maybe i did.......THEEND.
what we could have been, 6:46 AM.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
wad the f***!i hate dis!why me? why now?since a few daes ago dat i hav been getting bad lucks!wad am i?pembawak sial ker?suey siak!first, my camera's memory card kena virus where the memory card can only be used in a MAC compt!!secondly, the power point dat we use for our presentation projectCANNOT print at the shop dat we usualli print pics, as dey don hav the latest PPTX format! !wad the hell?can my life get ani worse?ouh it can!lets c.. after doing the project, i walk all the wae to the central from pasir ris interccus i THINK i want to print the slides there.bud to no avail! its the same! IT CANT BE PRINTED!im tired, i hungry, im weak..i felt lyk crying.i noe theres's a hikmah sebalek all dis bud bud,i cant believe its happening to me!im not stressed out dat much about the MANY MANY assignments.bud im more stressed out bout,"WHY CANT I PUT IN MY PICS TO MY THUMBDRIVE!!"im damn binget!its a mystery dat im still surviving!THEEND.
what we could have been, 8:03 AM.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
i've been busy.
the workload from skwel hav been giving me stress cells.
heh. wadever it is..
two daes ago, i had the best dae EVER!
i watch movie wit my Waz..
den i met mastuRah to go to bugis street..
we walk home together..
laughing hepiely..hehe
wad a nyt! heh.
bud its REALITY nw.
assignments will not end till nxt WED!
till den, i hav to work hard!
bud alwaes the last minute works. HAHA.
and and i can't seem to be focusing much on anithg..
wadever it is, i try to make it work!
what we could have been, 1:45 AM.