Thursday, August 30, 2007
aishh!date lines.. idiot assignments!haiyoo.. nxt wk we hav to pass up or,shuld i sae, SUBMIT our assignments..waduh waduh! EVAN!! ahaha. aleh2 evan. hahahehe. ah den. i didnt do anythg until nw! wad the hell!!alamak..leceh benar laa! heh.ok NEXT!
heh. den, u noe, laa..hehwe get along pretty well nw.. hehdats ok for me..heh.AHHH~! assingments!! tk bleh carry ar!waduh! sialan!u noe, since talking wit EVan, we are alwaes talking in indon.wakaka. klakar. nice laa deyy. kTHEEND
what we could have been, 8:38 AM.
a lot of things happened todae.don wan to talk alot bout it.sO idiotic!i cant believe i hav SUCH ppl in the house!wad an unlucky thg.dey realli think dey're both all n mighty huh?NEWS FLASH! UR NOT!the generatn gap is diff from den n now.i mean. wad the hell?!i can be linient. bud i may not be so nice ALL the tyme ryt?there's smthg dats called LIMIT!!im so sick n tired of all dis &i wan to just not giv a damn bout all dis!i hav my own plans to deal wit all dis...hey.. im only human! HEHEH.
what we could have been, 8:57 AM.
fuh!nw i can let a sigh of not sick.. normal... well mostly. hehtodae was a somewad a heck of a dae..donnoe y bud we had some laughs as alwaes..including e free food of the gallery there..HAHA! dat was somthg!heh.anw. my stomach(i tink dats wad its called) was hurting realli bad.and and i can concentrate!bud ceramics was fun! n tiring at the same tyme..hehu noe! in the train home..i was lyk a pregnant woman. so sick n tired lyk dat.OK PPL TOO MUCH INFO! hehbud i slept for a while in the train..damn tired after eating..haha. was nice ar. the FOOD i mean. hehe
what we could have been, 6:22 AM.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
crushed.gone.hancor bederaii.SHATTERED!my dreams.. my hope..THEIR hope & dreams..wad am i to doOOOOooo!!?5 O's? y cant it only be just 4 O's??i hate thinking about it..seeing others having a future bud not me.5 O's?!!wad the hell?no tyme to study, tOO many projeks.n importantly, the exams are just 2 mths sick of dis sia!tell me wad to do??!
what we could have been, 5:56 AM.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

B4 i am BROKE, PPL!!
what we could have been, 9:30 AM. money's wearing thin..HAIYOOOO!!artfren.idiotfren.ARTFREN! hish!anw, i donnoe doing 3D culd be fun! i got GLUE GUN!! hehe.the glue gun makes my life so easy! i luv my glue gun! hehe.i still hav thgs to buy for 3D! 3D: waste of money,waste of tyme.waste of energy!sat going out..sun work! money2..come to mey..arrrggghh!THEEND
what we could have been, 9:06 AM.
its all about projects, projects n more projects!especially 3D! ah wad the ffffff***!!the other projects are QUITE fine i guess..ouh wad the hell..overall, it'll be last minute works anw..hehh. bud theres one projects i want to do well in..FIGURE seems fun!(for the fers tyme eyy,"F-U-N"!) hehhits in it culd be nice..heheTHEEND
what we could have been, 5:40 AM.
i realli donnoe wad to sae siak.since i met dem, my life in skwel hav been duller & duller everidae..i feel lyk its MY fault to noe dem. wah piang eyy! TKLEH CARRY AR!donnoe y i EVEN bother to be frens wit dem! ish!den we became lyk dis! no more laughter, discussions, loads of hepieness,being wad e ffffff***?! it just doesnt feel ryt!aarrrghhh! i hate it.its too late to turn back tyme nw..nasi da jadik bubor..haiyoO!theres NOTHG else we can do.. i hate DIS!
what we could have been, 8:37 AM.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
.......donnoe wad to sae laa seyy.todae was 50-50..ader design process lesson.. pi library make "some" research..tgk ORG maen bola..den go hm wit my Waz..wah. so lame.. pnat ar actualli.. tmr?donnoe wad wuld happen..hais.. k.THEEND
what we could have been, 5:44 AM.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
heh. basic drawing was ok..bud photography tyme.. MAK~! pening kpale siak!teros mood suda tidak ada yah tuan2 & puan2..hehh. piker2 nk pi student loUnge nk pi buat hmwk..jumper ngn LUQman ngn MADnor da..heh. bud jus LUQman yg lepak ngn ktorg.hhehh.from there on..we had our "MOMENTS OF TRUTH"its only between us ar..its an xperience..LUQman can be a councilor..ahaha.anw, ppl hav their own ups n downs even tho we laugh2, talk2..even myself too. i don xpress my feelings eg; wen im unhepie ker, sedih ker..i don show it..i'll just keep it. dats y u guys hu noe me tgk ako mcm ktawe jek slalu.sometymes, im juz faking it so dat u guys cant read wad im feeling..ok NXT! hehh.ah. todae me mataer amek ako dari skolar! hehe. i lyk his cologne..hehhbud asal alwaes tue sia? k nvm..hehhanw, tmr ader org TU nk blanjer mkn pat restaurant maner nta..den on sun (klao jadik) ader org laen TU nk blanjer ako mkn pat sakura! ahaha. free lodging siak ako!tapi tk eyy! ako berbakti (ceyy berbakti seyyY!!!) kpade yg blanjer ako bsok..cuz de nk repay aper ako da buat for heras for on sun..he just feels lyk blanja-ing me n my other fren..hehebertuah btol ako yek..wakaka!
what we could have been, 10:53 AM.
todae was fun..
after skwel dat is! hehh
we met dis THREE crazy guys; LUQ/Kman,MADnor & RIDHwan..
haha. wah piang eyy! from the tyme pat student launge smpai we STEP OUT of dat place..
tk berhenti ktawe siOT! ako 2 kali pi toilet seyy..pasal dorg ar.. tkleh carry laa seyy! hehh
haha. bud it was fun! they tot us a new game. yeahh. ^-^
AT LEAST we met guys dat are pure mly-guys sia.
mcm firdaus ngn akid tuu, saper mau layan sey! hehh. cacat jek.
its a gd thg we met dem..ceyy! mcm phm! hehh
todae smpai umar so VERI the late den ani other daes! hehh.
ard 10 gitu smpai umar..cuz after "MAKING" frens wit dat crazy trio, i mit up wit neko &
sawiyah.. pi takashimaya! donnoe y go there..
last2 pi WS, amek gmbr! wakaka! da lmbat2 pi amek gambar siOT! cacat! hehh.
other den dat, i hav aLOT of hmwork sia!!! ASSIGNMENTS!!!
tkleh angkat laa sey! especially 3D! kpale but*TUT* ar! saper mau layan seyy ngn 3d-3d ni sumue seyy! malas seyy nk buat. HISH!
what we could have been, 8:07 AM.
todae was tiringg..
ceyy ari2 tiring pader ako eyy. aper laa
anw, pagi2 keje, kol 1.30 hav to go to madrasah..
rush there, rush here..hehe. mcm business woman plak eyy.
wakaka! anw, tyme madrasah gerek..
lpas class, we go to central! belik bubbletea! hanan BLANjer laa sey!
padahal $1 jek. heh. tapi blanje jgak perrr..hehh
den balek. hehh. bsok skolar! hissh!
what we could have been, 7:03 AM.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
i hav to work todae..inspite of getting paid, i hate work.
hehh. so HOT! anw, after work, i went to my granny's house..
wah piang eyy! since its been a long tyme since i last step foot in dat house..
the NOISE.. wah! cannot carry laa sey! i shuld be used to it by nw bud wad to do..
hehh. the mkciks were lyk damn loud ar den they alwaes spot other's mistakes!
wad the hell? we(the anak sdare-s) cannot fight back cuz nnti biadap laa!
go to hell ar ngn BIADAP! memalukn org laen pndai! bad example to us younger generatns..
luckily my granny is not loud.. haiss..
haiyoO hu givs a damn sia! i juz sae wad i lyk ar. no more miss nice " jiAh"!
kasi muker naek kpale! i can think MORE STRAIGHTER nw..hehh
apaper laa eyy! malas mau layan! hehh
tmr HAV to wake up early siOt! work worK WORK! huu~!
what we could have been, 8:59 AM.
i am learning to HATe the history teacher!mcm baB*tut* laa sey! pathetic, idiotic old man!! haa amek ko! hehhmcm phm jek de!ahkk anw, ceramics was not as BORing as i thot! hehhthe lecturer, alvin, was the sporting its fun..heheso todae's ceramic's class, i stayed until 6.30 just to hav some chat wit the lecturer himself! heh. so fun! " grades will be taken into consideration!" ahahabud anthony was DISTURBING! he's an idiot as alwaes! mataerKU fetch me TodaeE! so hepie!hehe. he didnt hav to actualli.. hehbud he did aniwae.. he looks nice wearing specs bud he saed it does not..wad to do..heh. ikot ckp TUAN YG PUNYER BADAN! the tyme i get back, wah my head starts spinning!i even collapse on the floor sia! scared me! heh.luckily i already ate beforehand.. i juz need to makan OBAT..den sleep. tu pn tk tdo terOs! hehh.
what we could have been, 8:07 AM.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
wakaka CANDID! hehh
still fOrest ppL.. eheh
onLy US gerls..(xtreme left n third from e right are YOUNGER den me!)
ahaha foRest ppL...
(left) my bRo n my eLder cuzin..
im working todae.. veri bz indeed. hehh
after work, i went to the airport to sent my FARAWAY relatives to their homeland..
hehh. we ate aLOT b4 they were suppose to go..
hehh. we lauGh2 throughout the "eating" process! hahahaa
its been, i donnoe, 2 yrs plus?? since i saw them..
they saed dat im still slim as alwaes..bud my AUNT(in green)! grown bigger!!
wakaka! she still doesnt care n kept eating! hehh..they also saed dat
my last bro looked diff..well, its been a long tyme u see. hehh.
jeddah..hmm. i wanna go there one dae. hehe
anw, i finished my lower half of my door! the second layering dat is! hehe
yea~! im soO hepie..hehe. its almost finished! hehe
bdw, i tot dat dis yr's national dae parade was BORing~!
dats y i was reluctant to go watch the show at marina bay wit my fren..
haiss..hehh. lame ar to me. donnoe bout others.. ^-^
what we could have been, 6:51 AM.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
wah! my neck hurt so much laa sey!! cannot carry ar!
hehh. todae's assignment, veri the BIG siot! its hard, complicated,
disturbing n FULL OF SHIT! Aaarrrrggghh~!! 3D? wah so hate dat subj!!
donnoe WAD the hell he's talking half the tyme den he lyk show off laa his "masterpiece".
wad the hell sia! soO irritating! AaaaRRggh!~! must pass one ar! shit.
Anw todae, im damn tired ar after i went back hm.donnoe y.
i was fine in the train otw back hm along wit ridhwan. den mcm ader fever plak!
suck sia!wah i donnoe NAFA can be this suffocating! hehh
so todae i didnt paint the 2nd layer of my door.. too tired! hehh
what we could have been, 8:54 AM.
(my door)
haiyoO. long dae laa todae.. cannot caryy sia. hehh
anw. todae i mit HIMmmm..bud disaster strike! hehh
i mean, going hm dlm train..den deres an accident pat tamp so we all hav to aboard
at tamp n take e bus siot! wad the hell? wen we arrived at tamp interchange,
deres lyk alot of ppl dere.. firefighters laa.. polis laa. haiyoO.
pack giler rabaknyer..den at last, ader apek saeing, " pasir ris interChange..!"
suare cute sey. heh. bud dpt naek bus FREE! hehe. e long LONG bus..
haha. best.. den i walk home.. smpai umar dlm kol 8+?? heh ard dere laa hehh
back hm, i continue painting my door! heh. the upper half.. wah damn lengoh sia my hand!
lyk wanna break lyk dat. ah shit! painful my arm! hehh.
bud i HAV to finish it no matter wad! i DON CAREEE!! heh.
bdw, arrrrrggghhh~! i lack ONE damn O level credit to study TEACHING! dammit!
what we could have been, 9:19 AM.
wad the hell?
veri humid laa sey todae. smpai nk blajar nyari pn rase tkde mood..
hayoo..anw, todae pagi, my dad bagik me $50 for 2 weeks isi perot..
tadi pi belik brg2 after skwel, skg da tinggal $10 jek siot! RABAK!!
sedih sey. heh. tmr long, not to mention boring.( actuali tk boring sgt ar TUEsdae.)
tkde break ar..
hais..tkper bleh cabot pi mkn lagik. hehe.
wanna noe smthg?
todae's lesson, we are drawing HALF-NUDE pics!
WAKAKA! veri the paisey laa dey! heh
the pics the lecturer gave us, so veri the 'charming' ar! mcm phm.
heh. haiyoo..FINE ARTS! gotta get used to it. bsides, dats only the UPPER TORSO!
blm lagik the UPPER TORSO siot! heh
apaper laa.hehh
bdw, at hm, i had already started painting the lower part of my door!
veri the tiring laa sey! arm achiNNNg. heh.
im doing only the fers layer. wah still a long wae to go! yanade..hehh
LOTS of assignment to do laa sey! can die!
what we could have been, 8:25 AM.
ahaha. nothing better to do dats y..
heh. sempat lagik amek gmbr before praying.heh
anw, madrasah tadi quite ok ar..
ramai jgak yg dtg..tapi pmpan tk ramai..heh
me n shahrizal n shamira had alot to talk about. heh.asek tk dtg jek..
standard! hehe. head starting to spin.. mcm gasing.wah bedek ar. heh
hais..pnat, PENING. haiyoo.
what we could have been, 6:01 AM.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
ouh wad a dae.
yesterdae nyt, ader gd news dari hidayah dat she got xtra tix for preview aper tuu..
national dae.. tapi tk jadik sbab maybe ader kejer..
bud den. tk kejer! maAAk~!!
thereFore,didnt go aniwhere todae.. haiyoO
for todae, i've become a so-called- maid gitu loh. heh
lipat kaen. gosok kaen. ouh my back aches..hehe
anw, im also xcited to decorate my door!
hepienyer~! i can start once i get bought my brushes..
brushes yg lame pegi mana yah? aduh. bikin gue bingung sih. heh
i tink tertinggal pat art class in sec skwel tk? adoii.. ah tkpelaa..
ART FRIEND ader..heh. sume ART FRIEND tapi kadang2 tkleh harap btol! bacen.
alar. supposedly ari ni pi umar nenekku tapi tk jadik plak.
MESti ader smthg came up.. must be my bad dae todae..heh
what we could have been, 6:43 AM.

after a long dae, we went and take pretty much aLOt of pics aR..can go crazy sia. heh. mcm org giler gitu kn? heh.
padahal baju sumue da kotor buat ceramics laa kn! tkper ar. heh.naseb tk ramai org kat situ laa kn! eheh
stop it sark ngn"LAA KN" ako! hehh
what we could have been, 7:45 AM.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
fiza is THE most giler person i've ever met in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!
u noe hu's fiza? alaa fiza O tuuuuu..
saper tk tau tu da biol ar agaknyer!
3 hours more to leeson starts.
fiza is irritating. hidayah is going crazy.
apaper laa. heh
adooiiii. cannot carry laa sey!
what we could have been, 8:48 PM.